To Everyone

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To everyone reading this:
I wish you all the best of luck with your life, and may your social and personal life may be nothing like mine.
I wish you all have good friends who care for you, a good partner to love you, good people you can turn to.
Not everyone can say they do.
Not everyone can say they have friends.
Not everyone can say they have a lover.
And not everyone can say they have good people to turn to.
I give my best of luck to every single person who has read even a single chapter of this small book to have all those people.
I wish that your life, like mine, doesn't include not knowing how to express your feelings, not wanting to cry and scream every day, not having mixed emotions, not getting aggravated with the one person who will talk to you.
I wish that your life doesn't include a person like me.
A person who is just a drama-queen hot-headed bitch who doesn't know how to show she cares until it's too late.
I wish that your life doesn't include wanting to just end it all, having to call suicide hotline, taking so many pills you get dizzy the day you don't take them.

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