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feeling chained down to the ground when with my 'friends,' is normal. One wrong move leads to aching in my heart, turns out I make that wrong move oh so often. I finally freed myself from those cold, hurtful change by just taking a break from talking to them. I said I'd be back in a week but I don't want to hurt again. I feel as if a weight has been taken off my shoulders every day, every time I wake up in the morning I feel happier. I feel lighter than I've been for such a long time, I've felt so damn happy. I don't want those chains wrapped around me once again, struggling to seem alright, struggling to be happy. My mind has rested from its stress of worrying if they'll get upset if I don't talk for a day without telling them, it's rested from the stress of worrying if I said something wrong.

I don't want that stress to clog my mind back up.

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