"Mom!" Ari opened her arms out and ran towards her mother. 

Anna cried as she ran up and embraced both her sister and daughter. The adventure kids all smiled warmly, feeling touched by this moment as they watched the three girls reunite at last.

"Oh, Ari!" Anna sobbed while having her arms wrapped tightly around her baby. Then told both her sister and daughter. "I thought I lost you!"

"Lost me? You saved me..." Elsa told her sister, wiping away the tears rolling down Anna's cheeks. "Again"

"I did?" Anna asked. 

"You sure did" Ari added, smiling and hugged her mom. "You saved everyone"

"And Anna," Elsa started calmly. "Arendelle did not fall"

Anna continued sobbing uncontrollably like some out of control teenage girl watching a chick flick. Ugly crying. 

"It didn't?" She asked, sniffling. 

"The spirits all agree" Elsa then said, looking warmly to her little sister. "Arendelle deserves to stand, with us"

Anna then wiped her nose with her sleeve. "Us?" 

"We all did what was right" Elsa said, referring to herself, Anna, and Ari. 

"For everyone" Ari added. Elsa then beamed with pride, looking to her niece. 

"What's Ahtohallan like?" Kali and the adventure girls then asked Ari and Elsa. 

"It's beautiful," Ari replied. "Like you wouldn't believe"

"Did you find the fifth spirit?" Anna then asked. 

Elsa and Ari soon both smiled, giving Anna that knowing look. 

Anna gasped, smiling to her sister, realizing. "You are the fifth spirit"

"But wait! Then what does that make you, Ari?" The adventure girls questioned. "Some kind of light spirit? The sixth element?" 

Ari chuckled in reply. "You could say that"

She was more like a protector of the forest since she had saved it from that dark evil spirit. 

"You're the bridge" Anna then told her sister. 

"Well actually, a bridge has two sides" Elsa replied. "And mother had two daughters" 

"We did this together" Elsa told her sister. "And we'll continue to do this together" 

"Together" Anna smiled while she and her sister leaned their foreheads up against each other's, still embracing along with Ari. 

Kali and the adventure girls all smiled towards the 3 girls while they watched them. 

"Elsa! Ari!" 

The gang then heard some familiar voices call and turned to see Kristoff and the other boys, along with Hira and Hiroko coming down the slope. 

"Elsa, you're back!" The boys beamed, coming towards her. 

"Ari, you're okay!" Kristoff smiled, running to his little girl. 

"Daddy!" Ari cried and embraced her father tearfully.

Sven then came up and nuzzled both Ari and Elsa while the two girls scratched the reindeer's chin, glad to see him. 

"Whoa, Elsa, you look different. In an unusual kind of way" The boys said to Elsa, taking notice that she had her hair down. Then commented on Ari's new look as well, "Wow, Ari! Loving the glow you got going there"

The Adventure Kids Get Frozen AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora