Chapter 2

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8 years later~

In our world...

The Adventure Kids were taking a short break from all their adventuring. Throughout the years it seems these adventuresome kids have been everywhere and have handled any challenge thrown at them... well, most of them anyway. 

"I know you're talking about me" Cynthia glared at the narrator, into the fourth wall. 

You can also say they weren't exactly kids anymore, as the gang was now all pretty much grown up into young adults. 

The gang was in their usual hang-out spot until Kali came in, looking eager to tell her friends something. 

"Okay, guys. Let's go!" The adventure kids' leader said, then turned back without having given an explanation. 

"Uh, just where are we going?" David asked. 

"To Arendelle of course" Kali replied. 

"Wahoo! Yes!" The twins cheered, being excited. 

"I can't wait to see Elsa and the gang again!" Ann said, smiling with excitement. 

"I wonder how they've been doing since we last saw them" Brock added in curiosity. 

It was good for the Frozen gang to know they had friends who supported them. 

"What do you mean just 'friends?'" Ann began arguing with the narrator. "I'm the 5th unofficial member to the Frozen gang!" 

(There really was no seeing any difference there)...

"Hey! How come I'm at the end?" Cynthia asked in offense, seeing where she was on the list of the gang members. 

"Uh... Saving the best for last?..." Brock attempted to cover up, rather poorly. 

"Yeah, that's believable" The fashionista rolled her eyes, speaking in sarcasm. 

Cynthia then groaned in response (as always). "Why do we have to go now?" 

"Because they're our friends and we haven't seen them since Ari's last training session with Elsa on her powers, which was a year ago" Teeders explained to her less adventurous friend. 

The adventure kids had been friends with the Frozen gang for quite a long time now. They were like family to them. 

"Besides, would you rather go back for another adventure in the stinky sewers?" Brock and Ann teased their fashionista friend. 

"Don't you go and try changing the topic now!" Cynthia warned the immature twin siblings before sighing. "I don't know why I put up with you guys" 

"Sorry, Cynthia" Ann apologized. 

"You still need us?" Brock then asked her. 

"Oh, yeah... Like a hole in the head" Cynthia replied sarcastically. 

The adventure kids could still act like immature children after all this time, even though they always did anyhow.  

As the gang prepared to leave, David came over to Cynthia as he had something important to tell her. 

He cleared his throat. "Cynthia?..."

"What is it, David?" Cynthia turned to him, looking a bit annoyed. 

David suddenly couldn't speak as he found himself lost staring into Cynthia's brown sapphire eyes. 

"Um... Cynthia..." David began, trying to figure out how to best explain what he wanted to tell her. "You know how there are millions of pigs out there, but only 1 of the best gets chosen for our next meal?" 

The Adventure Kids Get Frozen AgainWhere stories live. Discover now