Chapter 6

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"Wait!" Kali and the other adventure kids came in between the Northuldra and Arendelle soldiers to stop them from fighting. 

"Please..." Elsa then came forward, telling the two groups. "We're looking for my niece" 

"I'm sorry," Mattias apologized. "We haven't seen her" 

"But some strange girl did pass through here earlier, setting our tents on fire" A Northuldra tribe member mentioned, remembering how Ari had fire powers. 

"What?!" Elsa and the rest of the gang all gasped out of shock. 

"Yeah, she nearly burnt down our whole campground" An Arendelle soldier mentioned. 

"Luckily, we managed to put it out before anyone could get hurt" Mattias informed.

"That girl's dangerous!" Another Northuldra tribe member said, referring to Ari since her fire powers were indeed obviously dangerous. "A monster!" 

Now hearing that said about Ari, specifically that terrible word, really ticked off the gang. Especially Elsa and Anna. 

"Ari would never hurt anyone on purpose" Anna assured the tribe, while defending her daughter along with Elsa and the rest of the gang. 

"Well, something has been threatening the forest" One Northuldra tribe member argued. 

"What are you talking about?" The adventure kids along with Hira and Hiroko asked, confused. 

"A dark force, that's been roaming the forest ever since the mist trapped us in here" Yelana explained to the gang. 

"And it's that girl!" One Northuldra member glared, as most of the tribe were accusing Ari. 

"That's not true!" Anna spat a bit angrily, refusing to believe that about her daughter. "And whatever this dark force is, we can fix it" The red haired princess told everyone. 

"Someone has called me here" Elsa then mentioned to the Northuldra how she's been hearing a voice. "If I can just find it, I believe they have the answers that may help us free this forest" 

"You can trust her" Kali added to the tribe how Elsa wouldn't harm anyone. 

"It is the voice only that we seek" Garator explained to the Northuldra. 

"Please, I just want to help" Elsa begged the Northuldra tribe. 

"We only trust nature. When nature speaks" Yelana claimed to the ice queen.  

Suddenly, a nearby tree burst into flames as this scary looking pink fire engulfed it. 

"We listen..." Yelana added while looking at the fire in fear. 

"Not again!" Some Northuldra members groaned once the pink fire appeared. 

"Why do we always get this annoyingly, unnecessary bad karma?!" Cynthia complained, while the kids backed up in fear with Olaf from the fire.  

"This will all make sense when I'm older!" The little snowman reminded himself, trying his hardest to stay calm. 

"Fire spirit!" A Northuldra member cried out in panic. 

The fire spirit suddenly scurried down the tree and across the ground past everyone, before climbing up another tree and jumping from tree to tree, causing the pink flames to spread rapidly. 

"Get back, everyone!" One Northuldra member warned. 

Hiroko screamed while Hira exclaimed about the fire. "It's out of control!" 

The Adventure Kids Get Frozen Againजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें