Chapter 13

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The Next Morning~

The girls were still in the cave, having cried for hours on end over the loss of their snowman friend. 

Anna was the most devastated. The poor girl thought she was alone again. Having believed to have lost her sister and Olaf, plus Kristoff, thinking he had left her. And still had no idea on the whereabouts of her daughter. 

Anna cried as she said...

"Olaf... Elsa... What do I do now?"

Kali and the other adventure girls then came up to the redheaded princess. 

"We can't give up, Anna..." Kali told her, even though she was still sad too over Olaf and Elsa's presumed deaths. 

"We have to press on" The other adventure girls added, trying to encourage the feisty princess. "We gotta get out of here, and we must destroy the dam"

"Remember what Grand Pabbie said..." Kali then reminded Anna. "'When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing'"

Anna continued crying while listening to what her friends had to say. Then, she started singing... 

"I've seen dark before" Anna admitted sadly. "But not like this... This is cold, this is empty, this is numb. The life I knew is over, the lights are out. Hello, darkness, I'm ready to succumb..."

"I follow you around, I always have. But you've gone to a place I cannot find. This grief has a gravity. It pulls me down..." Anna cried uncontrollably, being depressed. 

"But a tiny voice whispers in your mind~" Kali then told Anna, trying to give her some hope. "You are lost, hope is gone. But you must go on. And do the next right thing..."

Anna soon forced herself to move, as she slowly struggled to stand up. 

"Can there be a day beyond this night?" She asked herself, while continuing to shed tears. "I don't know anymore what is true. I can't find my direction, I'm all alone. The only star that guided me was you~"

"How to rise from the floor, when it's not you I'm rising for?"

"Just do the next right thing~" Cynthia told Anna.

"Take a step" Teeders said. 

"Step again" Ann said while she and Teeders helped Anna up.

"It is all that I can to do~" Anna sang to herself. "The next right thing~"

The girls then started climbing up the rocky wall in order for them to hopefully get out of the cave. 

"I won't look too far ahead" Anna told herself as she started climbing. "It's too much for me to take. But break it down to this next breath. This next step. This next choice is one that I can make!~"

The girls then soon jumped across this ledge and successfully made it to the other side. 

"So I'll walk through this night, stumbling blindly toward the light~" Anna sang, while the girls then came outside of the cave as the light shined in their faces. "And do the next right thing~"

"And with the dawn, what comes then?" Anna then asked herself. 

"When it's clear that everything will never be the same again!" She suddenly burst out through all her pain and grief.

The adventure girls frowned while they watched Anna and felt her pain. Anna then calmed down as she finished singing. 

"Then I'll make the choice," Anna told herself. "To hear that voice" 

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