Chapter 4

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Suddenly, a million tiny crystals appeared in the night sky all over Arendelle. 

The adventure kids were woken up by this, along with Anna and the others and came out onto the balcony to see what the commotion was. The gang was shocked to discover all the many tiny crystals floating in the air around them. 

"What is this?" Teeders questioned, while seeing each crystal had one of the four elemental symbols on it... Air, fire, water, earth. 

"Are we in heaven?" The twins asked. 

Suddenly, the gang tensed up once all the crystals then fell out of the sky to the ground like breaking glass. But that wasn't the worst of it...

As the town's people came out to see what had happened, the fire that lit all their candlesticks and lampposts suddenly went out. 

The adventure kids rushed outside, finding Anna and the rest of the castle staff coming out right as the water from the fountains all suddenly had dried up. And a terrible wind came blowing in from the north. 

The kids were scared and confused, as well as everybody else, until they then spotted Elsa. They rushed over towards her. 

"Elsa! What's going on?" Kali asked the ice queen, while the wind kept blowing hard into their faces. 

Elsa didn't know what to say, but started thinking before she had a terrible realization. "The air rages. No fire. No water..." 

"The earth is next!" Elsa gasped, telling the adventure kids. "We have to get out!" 

Everyone quickly started rushing out of Arendelle as the strong winds seemed to be forcing them all out of the kingdom. 

"Evacuate! Everyone head for the cliffs!" The adventure kids told the town's people while Elsa and Anna tried to keep everyone remaining calm. 

"Wait!" Anna suddenly stopped and realized something. "Where's Ari?!" 

"Ari? Ari! Arianna!" The gang called out, but couldn't find her as the wind kept forcing them out. 

"Why does stuff like this always have to happen to us?!" Cynthia complained as they continued evacuating. 

"I'm gonna blow!" Olaf cried as the wind was about to carry him off. 

"We've got you!" Brock said, while helping Kristoff grab Olaf so he wouldn't blow away. 

The gang continued evacuating with the villagers, as the kingdom was turning into a desert like disaster, as all the water including the water in the fjord dried up completely and it was quickly becoming scorching hot. 

And the winds continued to rage on until everyone was safely high up in the cliffs and out of Arendelle. 

Some of the gang were going around checking to make sure everyone was okay, while the others were still trying to figure out what just happened. 

"Yes, everyone is out and safe" Kristoff told one villager, while David was helping him hand out blankets. 

"You okay there, Olaf?" David asked, seeing some children messing around with the snowman by placing crystals all over his body. 

"Oh, yeah. We're calling this 'controlling what you can when things feel out of control'" Olaf explained. 

The other adventure kids meanwhile were shocked as they looked down on Arendelle's land, seeing it look to have become like an eternal summer, only much worse than Elsa's. And they knew of only one person who could've possibly done this...

"You know, I'm starting to prefer us being trapped in Elsa's eternal winter" Cynthia commented, finding this much worse while everyone was starting to sweat from the heat. 

The Adventure Kids Get Frozen AgainWhere stories live. Discover now