Chapter 8

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The gang was back with the Northuldra at their campgrounds. Everyone was enjoying doing different things while getting to know the tribe better. 

However, they were all still very worried about Ari though, especially Anna and Kristoff. But hopefully they knew they would reunite with their daughter again soon and they hugged each other for comfort. 

Kali saw this going on between the couple and frowned only a little, missing Mikey. It had been awhile since they last saw each other, but they were both very soon planning on taking their relationship to the next level. 

The adventure kids were also a bit worried since Kali's crystal's magic wasn't working due to the forest's curse, they could be trapped in here forever. And it was really bad to stay in a dimension that wasn't your own for too long. 

Some of the tribe children were playing around with Olaf, while Llily, Hira's pet llama was off playing with the Northuldra reindeer. 

David and the other boys were soon talking to Ryder. David had explained how he was trying to confess his feelings for Cynthia, but couldn't even seem to say the right thing. Luckily, Ryder offered to help, saying how the Northuldra had the most amazing way of proposing. The best part was... it involved a lot of reindeer. 

The boys soon had gone off, while Anna, Teeders, Ann and Cynthia were talking with Mattias while having some cups of soup. For being trapped in the forest for 34 years, the Lieutenant was wondering how life was back in Arendelle. 

"What else do you miss?" Ann asked Mattias. 

"My father" Mattias replied, looking sad slightly. "He passed long before all this... He was a great man. Built us a good life is Arendelle. Taught me to never take the good for granted" 

"He'd say, 'Be prepared. Just when you think you found your way, life will throw you on a new path'

"What do you do when it does?" Teeders asked. 

"Don't give up" Mattias replied, explaining. "Take it one step at a time, and..."

"Just do the next right thing" Anna said, realizing. The other girls smiled to that. 

"Yeah" Mattias nodded to them, smiling. "You got it" 

"I'd much rather run away on my private jet and spend the rest of my life living on my beach house in Tahiti" Cynthia commented on her view if life threw her on a new path. 

Meanwhile, Kali, Hira and Hiroko were with Elsa gathered around the campfire while talking with Honeymaren. 

They had told Honeymaren a bit more of Elsa's story with some more added detail for her to understand. 

"It's the coldest I've ever experienced" Kali mentioned how she felt when Elsa's ice magic froze all of Arendelle in the middle of the summer. 

It was even more colder and worse than the time the adventure kids helped Balto deliver medicine to sick children through a blizzard. Or when Rudolph first led Santa's team on that foggy Christmas eve. 

The group then all laughed while they were bonding. 

Honeymaren, along with Yelana and the rest of the tribe had mentioned to Elsa and the gang more about the dark spirit. Saying how it's been disrupting the forest for a long time now. Even the other spirits feared it. They also mentioned the dark force would eventually destroy the forest, unless something just as powerful could stop it. 

Elsa and the others were very intrigued by all this now, wondering who could possibly be powerful enough to defeat this dark spirit?

"I wanna show you something" Honeymaren then told the gang. 

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