Chapter 7

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Ari had been on her own, by herself for awhile now in the forest. Still wandering around while trying to find the mysterious voice. 

She hadn't been hearing it that much recently which was a bit strange. 

She had also encountered all the spirits of the forest since she arrived. 

The young fire princess was still questioning though about all that's been happening recently to her and her family, and wondering if there was more to her destiny. 

She then started having a vision back to when what seemed to be a simpler time. 


A nine-year-old Ari had just run away crying into the castle gardens, after having overheard some village children making fun of her because of her powers. 

Ari continued crying, being alone in the gardens until a familiar ice queen came out, finding her. 

"Ari, sweetie, what's wrong?" Elsa asked her niece calmly, coming up to her. 

"I hate being different!" Ari sniffled as she looked up to her aunt. "Why can't I just be normal like everybody else?" she asked while sounding upset. 

Elsa sighed as she looked at her niece with a small frown, wishing she had a clear answer for that but she didn't. 

The ice queen sighed to her niece. "Believe it or not, I wish the same thing for me all the time too..."

"Listen, Ari..." Elsa started as she sat down to comfort her niece. "Don't listen to what others may say about you. That's what led me into running away from my kingdom once I lost control of my powers"

"We can't choose who we're born to be. What matters is not to care about what everyone else thinks of you, but to care about what you think of yourself" Elsa told her niece a valuable life lesson. "You are special with or without your powers"

Ari wiped some of her tears away while smiling up at her aunt. Elsa always seemed to have a way to make her niece feel better...

~Flashback Ends~

Ari smiled a little thinking about her aunt, but then frowned. She missed her. She missed her whole family and all her friends. 

"What am I doing?" The young fiery princess thought to herself. "I'm following a voice, but I have no idea where it's leading me..."

Just then, Ari heard a sound and looked to see that Gale had appeared. 

Gale looked to be desperately trying to push Ari out of the forest while swirling all rapidly around her. 

"What is it?" She asked the wind spirit, sensing something was wrong. 

Suddenly, Ari heard this loud thud as the ground she was standing on literally shook... It continued, and was growing louder by the second. 

Ari looked up and gasped out of fear at what she saw... 

Nearby, were a couple of giant living rocks known as Earth Giants roaming the forest, heading straight in Ari's direction. 

Ari froze, becoming petrified not knowing what to do until Gale showed her a path where she could escape. Ari quickly followed Gale down the trail to avoid detection from the earth giants. Ari stayed in complete silence, peeking out from behind a tree seeing the earth giants walk by, waiting until they left. 

Once the coast was clear, Ari sighed a relief while hyperventilating just a little. That was too close. The earth giants must've sensed her magic. 

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