Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Elijah smirked and shook his head, "We quit. Didn't need to work anymore. You're mates providing us with an allowance of sorts. I'd say we have enough money in the bank to commission a pyramid to be made in our honour. Isaiah, would you agree?"

Isaiah nodded, "I would indeed Eli, he offered to move us to. Into a more glamourous location until we can be moved into the castle. We chose to stay at home though. He's a generous man, your mate."

I was beyond confused, "What do you mean?"

Isaiah shrugged, "His plans were to move us into the castle once you had adjusted. Until then, he's been providing us enough money to live comfortably. Did he not tell you that?"

I pursed my lips, "No, I didn't."

"I guess he wanted to keep it as a surprise. I'll bid you two a-due, I see a lovely young lady over there who looks as if she needs some company," Elijah smirked, his gaze focusing on a young lady standing over in the corner a few metres away from us.

"Try not to get yourself killed, if she has a mate then you're dead," I warned,

"I see no claim on her neck," Eli winked, "Wish me luck."

With that, he slinked off in her direction, leaving me alone with Isaiah.

"That boy will be murdered in cold blood someday. Sometimes I forget that you two are even related." I sighed, pulling my hand to my cheek and shaking my head.

"Just another way to tell us apart Lor, one has common sense and the other does not," Isaiah remarked, "Now I think you're boyfriend is ready to make the announcement. I'll see you later?"

I gave him one last parting hug and with a wink, I said, "Of course, as soon as I can. Keep that brother of ours out of trouble,"

Isaiah mocked saluted, "Will do, good luck to you, try not to freak out."

I took a breath and smiled in a sign of encouraging myself, "I'll be fine. Now go, we'll talk later."

Before walking off, Isaiah pointed to something behind me and then ran a finger over his neck. A low chuckle came from whoever he was pointing at, the sound sending shivers down my body straight to my toes.

"I don't think your brother was too pleased with your little act of thanks, and then my decision to continue said action."

"I doubt either of them were, but they know better to say anything while I'm still in hearing range," I replied cooly, turning around to meet Maddox's figure, "Is it time to go up?"

Maddox came closer and took my hand in his, "I'm afraid so dove, while you've been chatting with family, I think I've had at least six people ask if that lady was my mate, and multiple elderly come and inform me that we may have taken PDA a little too far. I figured we should do it now before people start coming up to you instead of me,"

I leaned against his shoulder, "Do I need to do any talking?"

Maddox brushed a stray piece of hair out of my face, "Not if you don't want to. I'll be introducing you, saying a few words, and then we'll be done. Don't worry, it will only take a moment."

"Then let's go," I whispered,

Maddox started walking forward, as he walked, the crowd moved in his wake. The sipped on their bubbling glasses of champagne and liquor, sending side glances and small words to the closest person next to them. Long, sharp nails curled around the glass cups, their elongated canines piercing their lips as they talked. Wolves were naturally tall, I felt as if they were consuming me. Everywhere I looked it was the same, my ears overcome with their whispers.

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