"We don't have to be there until, 7:00 pm," I tell her. "But I'm sure he'll be here long before that. I'm not sure where it's at. For all I know it could be over an hour away."

She glances at the time on her phone and frowns, "It's already 5:15 pm, Fallon. You're cutting it pretty close don't ya think?"

I gasp. "I didn't realize it was that late." I begin to pace the bathroom. "Oh god, Ally what am I going to do?"

She grabs my arms pulling me to a halt. "First off...you need to chill," she tells me. "Secondly, you have me. So sit down and let me do what I do best."

I sit on the toilet seat and let her work her magic. She has always been good at doing makeup and hair. I don't know why she never went to school for it.

When she was finished with my makeup, she instructed me to get undressed and put the dress on so she could do my hair. I unzipped the bag, revealing the most gorgeous white cocktail dress I have ever seen.

I pulled it out of the bag and slipped it on. It was long and sleek with a slit up the right leg that stopped at the thigh. The neckline was cut into a V-shape that traveled between my breasts and stopped just above my stomach. Normally I would have a problem wearing something like this...but it was too beautiful to complain about.

"You look beautiful," Ally says from the doorway. "Now let's get your hair done."


I'm in my room sorting out my tux when Max comes barging in and jumps on the bed. I laugh and push him off the bed before he has the chance to wrinkle my tux. "I take it you want to go outside, huh?"

Max wags his tale and spins in circles before bolting out of the room. I can hear his nails scratching the surface of the floor as he runs down the steps. I'm going to have to replace these floors soon if he keeps that up.

I grab my phone from my dresser and head downstairs to the kitchen, where Max is already waiting for me. I slide the glass door open, letting him out and head to the fridge to get a drink of tea before heading outside on the patio.

Taking out my phone, I take a seat in my lounge chair and lean back. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out. It's my mom again. I've been ignoring her all day. I slip my phone back into my pocket, deciding that it would be best to let it go to voicemail.

I don't understand why she keeps blowing up my phone. She isn't going to change my mind about Fallon. So she might as well give up.

I sigh rub my face roughly and push myself to my feet. I'm still exhausted from earlier. "Come, Max. I have to get ready."

As soon as Max was inside, I shut the door and locked it before heading upstairs to my room. I grab my white undershirt and slip it on, buttoning it. Next, I grab my red tie from the drawer and tie it around my neck. I don't know why...but I love wearing ties.

Once again, I am interrupted by, Max. He jumps on the bed and lays down on my pants. "Max," I say sternly, grabbing him gently by the collar and pulling him off my pants. "Stay down."

I pick up my pants and brush them off, making sure there is no hair or wrinkles before slipping them on along with my jacket. I'm starting to think he's trying to sabotage me. I tuck my shirt in and head to the bathroom to do my hair. Yes, I like doing my hair. I think it adds character.

Once again my phone buzzes and once again it's my mother. And once again, I ignore it. She's a persistent woman I tell ya. I really hope she behaves herself tonight.

I look myself over in the mirror one last time before heading out the door. I send a quick text to Fallon letting her know that I am on my way and get in my car.

When I pulled up to her apartment, I noticed that Ally's car was there. She must be here to help Fallon get ready. I park my car next to hers and get out. Just as I was about to knock on the door, it swung open, revealing a smiling Ally.

"Hello, Ally," I greet her. "Is Fallon ready?

Her grin widens, "Oh yeah...she's ready." She shifts her body to the side, allowing me to step in and close the door. "The question is...are you ready for her?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

This girl is something else. "You, my dear, are a very special kind of someone," I chuckle.

She curtsies, "Why...thank you, kind sir. I try my best."

I laugh, "Ally don't ever change, I like you just the way you are."

"Not even hell could change me, Alex." I definitely believe that. "Fallon, get your sexy ass down here before I replace you..."

My breath hitched in my throat the moment my eyes landed on Fallon. She looked like a goddamn angel. Her white dress hugged her body perfectly, showing off every curve. I'll be fighting off every single man tonight that's for sure.

I finally forced my eyes off her body and focused on her face. Her makeup was done to perfection. That's the best way I could describe it. I love the way her eye makeup brings out the color of her eyes.

Her hair looked elegant yet simple. She had it pulled up in an updo with loose curls trickling down from it.

Her scarlet red lips curve upwards showing off her pearly white teeth. I feel someone nudge my arm bringing me back to reality.

I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. "You look beautiful, "I breathe. I've never seen someone so beautiful before in my life.

"Thank you," she says softly. A hint of a blush peers through her makeup. "You don't look so bad yourself."

I take a deep breath and hold my arm out, "Are you ready?" She nods and slides her arm through mine.

"Let me get a picture of the two of you," Ally says and pulls out her phone.

Fallon giggles, "Ally this isn't prom."

"So? I want a picture of you," she says sternly. "It's not every day you look like a goddess."

"Fine," Fallon groans. "Just one."

Ally smiles and positions us in front of the door. I slide my arm around Fallon's waist and pull her close. She places her hand gently on my chest, looks up at me through her long lashes, and smiles. How did I get so lucky?

"Alright look at me and smile," Ally says excitedly.

We both turn our attention to Ally and she takes her picture. "Perfect," she smiles. "I'll be printing this out."

We both say our goodbyes and head out to the car. I open the door for her and help her slide in.

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