Dangerous But Sweet

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Slipping in between Colson's legs, she drapes her arms around his shoulders

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Slipping in between Colson's legs, she drapes her arms around his shoulders. Leaning cheek to cheek for a minute, they breathe each other in. Last night being so intense, they can still feel their raw emotions.

"I'll be back. Text me what you guys want from McDonald's. Love you." She professes as she kisses his cheek lightly.

"Love you. Don't forget we gotta pick Emma and Case up at 430P." He reminds her to her nod of agreement.

Grabbing Sam and Ashleigh, they take a walk. Burning and sipping on water along the way. It's Girl Recovery Time.


The Boys take The Girls being gone as an opportunity to run a light rehearsal. They sound phenomenal. Colson focusing mainly on practicing the Sublime song he wants to cover tonight.


Luna's a bitch. Luna's a bitch who doesn't like to be ogled. Luna is a bitch who can't STAND creeps. Luna's an even BIGGER bitch when she's recovering from a drug binge and CATCHES someone acting creepy... And THAT'S exactly what leads up to what happens in the grocery store.

In the produce section, Luna's wandering around with Ashleigh looking for fresh cut pineapples. Sam's towards her left, in a cross aisle on her phone facing the wall. Rounding the corner into another aisle, Sam now comes directly into Luna's eyesight. So is a man moving around weirdly in the same aisle as Luna and Ashleigh. He's facing towards Sam. Watching him as her and Ashleigh begin to walk passed, something makes Luna look down.

This pig is standing in the aisle, behind his cart while he has his hand down his pants and is jerking off to an unknowing Sam. It feels like slow motion as Luna sees what he's doing, life hitting fast forward once she fully realizes it.


Grabbing the back of the cart and shoving it into the man with all her might, she knocks him down backwards on to the ground. Choosing right then to move his cart out of her way, she stomps his hand into place on his dick with her right foot.

"What the fuck, Loons!?!" Sam comes rushing over.

"Bro. You see this shit." Luna points to his hand trapped in his pants. "He was fucking jerking off to YOU. RIGHT FUCKING HERE."

Sam's reaction is the EXACT same as Luna's. Word. For. Word. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!" She screams before bringing her knee up high as she starts to stomp down on the dude. "You like jerking off to girls who don't know it? You fucking freak!" She continues to shout as her foot bashes into his face and body. Luna joins in as Ashleigh stands back like the night in Chicago; silently watching as Sam and Luna stomp and kick the fuck out of Jack Off Johnny of Kansas City. They are truly nothing to be fucked with. "Let's see how much you like yanking it in the grocery store after that, Motherfucker." Sam spits out onto him as they leave his body bloody and whimpering on the ground.

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