"What? Me defending your honor?" I stand up to yell down the hallway, "Hey! Who here wants to say something to my boyfriend!?"

He laughs, holding me back with his hands on my hips before pulling me back into his lap. His arms find their way around my waist as he nuzzles his face into my hair, breathing me in.

"Hey losers! Get your asses back here and come join the party!" Gabby yells down the hall, breaking up our little moment.

We reemerge at the continuing party as Gabby hands me a glass with some sort of pink vodka slushie filled to the brim as well as a shot of clear fluid.

"Cheers and finish!" she calls out, tapping our shots together.

She downs it quicker than me, raising her hand into the air in celebration. Jaxon and Asher are challenging each other to an arm wrestling competition on the island of the kitchen as random underclassmen are slapping money on the table for bets while sipping out of their red solo cups. Typical boys.

Dane and I wander into the living room, his hand guiding me through the crowd, where a small group of people have begun dancing to the music that's been turned up. Finally starting to feel the effects of the alcohol running through my system, I begin to regain some temporary self confidence and find myself pulling Dane's arms around the front of me and backing my body up against his tall frame.

I begin slowly pressing into him to the base of the music. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me against him, flush. Brushing my hair to one side, I give him access to my neck, which he gladly finds. He discretely kisses along my neck with his soft lips until he finds my ear, giving a slight nip. I instantly turn my body to face him, seeing his dark, piercing, hungry eyes looking down into mine as he holds my hips against his. Biting my lip, I know I need him, and now.

Looking around, I notice everyone is preoccupied. I take the opportunity to pull him away and quickly sneak down to one of the bedrooms off the hallway. He follows behind me, shutting the door and locking it before pushing me up against the door into a hard, passionate kiss. Instantly, my body ignites with electricity, a new sensation I'm becoming extremely fond of, as his strong hands run down my body, pulling me fiercely into his embrace.

"Mmm...baby, baby...I'm sorry," he whispers between kisses, shaking his head while pulling himself apart from me.

He separates us at arms length, leaving me breathless and confused. Running a hand through his hair, he straightens gaining some sort of clarity.

"I shouldn't be doing this to you. I'm sober and you're...well, not. I never want you to feel I'm taking advantage of you while you've been drinking," he confesses, changing from a wild animal into a protective one.

"Dane..." I say, pulling him away from the door, then pushing him backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed behind him. "Stop."

He falls back onto his elbows and looks at me in playful surprise.

"This," —I slowly lifted my sweater off over my head and held it out for him to see— "is my consent." His eyes widen as his mouth drops in surprise. He catches it as I throw it at him.

"This," —I continue by unbuttoning my jeans— "is my consent."

His playful smile turns into a sexy grin, his eyes narrowing before he licks his lips, eyeing my body.

After stepping out of my clothes, I make my way towards him, kneeling down between his legs on the edge of the bed, grabbing for his belt. His stare is serious now, mouth open, breathing quickened.

"Kodi." He hisses out into the darkness of the room as I reach in to touch him.

"See. Now I'm taking advantage of you." I grin up at him through batted lashes, on my way towards driving him past the point of wild.

We reemerge, a little less kempt than we were entering but all the more content. Giggling as we made our way into the living room, it was relieving to know no one missed our absence. Gabby and Jaxon were openly making out on the couch, while Britney and the girl gang were flirting it up with the sophomore soccer players on the patio. People are spread out everywhere now, as the headcount appears to keep rising.

"I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick. Can I get you anything on the way back?" Dane asks, hand on my lower back.

"No, I'm fine babe, I think I'll just get some water in a second. Go ahead." I smile back at him before he gives me a quick kiss, turning towards the hallway.

Heading to the kitchen, I search for a cup to quench my thirst. Drinking really does dehydrate you, but so does aggressively making out with your boyfriend among other things.

After being unsuccessful in finding another cup that wasn't half filled with some sort of alcoholic liquid, I search through the cupboards until I finally find a glass. Filling it with tap water, I peer out the window while chugging it down.

I witness a girl puking her lungs out while her friend holds her hair out of the way for her. Probably her first party, first time drinking, first realization of who your true friends are. I smile to myself thinking about it. Sometimes you're just lucky enough to find those people you know will be in your life forever.

Finishing my water I set the cup in the sink and wait for Dane by the edge of the kitchen, leaning against the wall. Just as I'm wondering why we are still even here, I hear a familiar voice coming from around the corner.

"Hey Dane, can we talk?"

It's Asher. He must've grabbed Dane when he was leaving the bathroom.

"Yeah, what's up man?" Dane responds.

"I just don't want there to be any bad blood between us, I really value your friendship," he comments, sounding almost nervous.

"Oh, you mean about that Britney shit?" Dane asks. "Nah, don't worry about it. I know who you are. You're a great guy with a good heart and I value our friendship too."

"Oh good," Asher breathes a sigh of relief. "I didn't want you to think I didn't respect your relationship, I do. I'm really happy for you both, truly."

"Thanks man. I really appreciate you coming and talking to me." Dane says, as the sound of them slapping hands hits my ears. "Says even more about the stand-up guy you are."

I feel bad for eavesdropping, but it was nice to hear for myself how they interact. It brings a smile to my face and makes my insides all warm and fuzzy.

"So you're doing well? Feeling good?" Asher asks sincerely.

"Yeah I am. No complaints here." I can hear Dane's smile through his words.

"Good, then I'll be over next week to kick your ass in spades again." Asher laughs. "Oh, and then we can work on that admissions letter we were talking about."

Admissions letter?

"That'd be great," Dane replies. "Yeah Gordon, the recruiter, said to start filing the paperwork so we can get things rolling."

Gordon, the recruiter?

"Awesome man. I'll text you and we'll set it up," Asher comments.

I sit in disbelief for a minute as my heartbroken emotion turns into total irritability. I had been the one to try and push him towards getting into college and now he's confiding in Asher over me to start the process? Where was he planning on going? Was he going to leave me? After everything we'd been through? So I help him on his road to recovery and now that he's healthy again he's done with me? I was naive to think things would stay this good forever. Why would he keep this from me when I'm his biggest supporter, his greatest advocate for accomplishing all that he can? I instantly feel betrayed.

Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was my upcoming period, maybe it was the fact that this was my first serious relationship and my mind was out of control. Whatever it was, I had become irate.

Storming out of the kitchen, I head straight for the front door. I need to get some air to clear my head, to calm the thoughts now taking over my impulsive, and hopefully, misleading mind. I burst into the cold December night, instantly feeling the bitter chill tingle my nose, making my eyes water. But even the numbing sensation of the winter's chill couldn't stop me from feeling what I was feeling deep inside.

I knew one thing for certain.

I was done with the secrets.

A Sliver of InfiniteWhere stories live. Discover now