chapter 7

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Entering the door right before the bell of the last class of the day, English Literature, I assume my front seat is taken again. Sure enough, there's Sam, sitting front and center. What is it with this kid?

Walking towards the back of the classroom, I feel Dane's eyes all over me. Preparing myself for the excitement of some more playful banter between us, I'm suddenly a little put off by his standoffish demeanor. I look directly at him while I walk down the aisle, yet he quickly looks away as I approach the seat next to him, seemingly trying to ignore my presence entirely. Odd.

He was far from the flirty, smiling Dane I was starting to get to know and back to the closed off, moody, mystery of a man. How could he switch from hot to cold so fast? One minute saying some of the nicest, most thoughtful words, to now, acting as if he was the one who didn't want to sit by me. Was this all in my head? Was I only imagining his interest in me?

As class went on, I was really starting to get irritated. He couldn't even say hello or acknowledge my existence? Every time I glance his way, he'd make a point to huff out in annoyance. What about our night of deep conversation and connection? His arms wrapped so tightly around me? What about the piercing stares from the lunch room? I had had enough today and was already crabby from dealing with one dick.

Then, out of nowhere, before I could release the emotions that were building up within me, he abruptly stands, throwing his bag over his shoulder and leaves class, slamming the door on his way out. The students were whispering and looking around until the teacher finally redirected the classroom and was able to get everyone's attention again. Everyone's but mine.


Anger and curiosity got the best of me, and before I knew it I was marching up the stairs of Dane's flat after school. I had to know what was up with his odd behavior, I just needed an explanation to whatever was happening. I'm starting to feel a pull towards him, only to have him seemingly try to push me away.

Pounding on the door, I waited patiently, until a half naked Dane answered the door.

"Kodi..." he comments with a slight annoyance, as if he half expected to see my nosy ass.

"Dane." I immediately lose my anger and catch myself sucking in a breath at the sight of him shirtless, wearing only those jeans. "W-what are you doing?"

I have a sudden urge to touch his chest, run my hands over the curves of his pecks, the firm forearms covered in tattoos. Damn hormones.

"Working," he says bluntly.

He's blocking the door, putting an arm up on the wall, giving me access to a better view of him. I ignore the distraction and peer around him, noticing more boxes and papers littering the floor and desk.

"Okay...sorry, I just..." I trail, not knowing where I'm going with this anymore. "Where did you go during class?" I ask, finally getting to the reason why I am there.

"I had some stuff I needed to finish up. You know I don't actually need to attend that class to pass it right?" he snaps, giving me a smart ass look.

I did know that. His knowledge of literature surpassed a college professor's on the same subject. Yet, I knew that he had to be there for attendance purposes only.

"So that's it? You came to work on stuff? Hmm...yeah, whatcha working on?" I press, intentionally being annoying.

I try to push through the door to discover whatever he's attempting to hide from me, only to be met with his hard, warm abdomen.

"Always so curious, aren't you?" he says with a snarky tone, staring down at me.

His eyes are dilated and he isn't moving away from my press into him. If anything, I can tell he is thoroughly enjoying our physical connection, whether or not he'd ever admit it.

A Sliver of InfiniteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz