chapter 21- pt. 1

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It's been two weeks.

Two weeks since Dane's seizure. Fourteen days since my core was shook. Three hundred and thirty-six hours of heightened fear that it would happen again.

But it didn't.

Dane seemed to be doing better. The medication was still causing some mild side effects but even those seemed to be fading away. His energy resurged and he seemed to have his ambitious drive back again. He even got some of his dreadful humor back, joking with me about how grim I was looking these days, suggesting he knew a doctor for anxiety and depression. I laughed, but I couldn't help but be distressed. Once you've seen someone you love with the look of life taken out of them, you never forget it. It haunts you in more ways than one. It also made me realize how much I truly loved and needed him, which was a terrifying reality all its own.

However, the motivation to push past his illness was evident. He even felt well enough to come back to school. I was hesitant. Not only was I constantly worried for him, I was concerned about what the stress of going back to school would bring. The gossip, the stares, the drama. I was on high alert, ready to defend him till the end.

Lucky for me, Jaxon put the fear of God into his cousin Britney, and in doing so, scared the other underclassman from saying much of anything. That I knew of anyway. All was seemingly quiet on the high school homefront and I was okay with that.

"Alright, so maybe, like around eight or nine?" Jaxon asks the group at the table. "Mason's bringing the keg, my parents have some liquor but if you want anything specific you'll need to bring your own."

"I get the master suite!" Gabby responds quickly, as if someone was actually going to take it from those love birds.It was practically a written rule, your party, your master. Obviously.

"Works for me," Asher responds. "I'll be there around 9."

"Yep, we're in," Dane adds, winking at me.

Discussing this weekend's activities, we all sat around the lunch table prepping and planning for the party Jaxon was hosting at his parents cabin.

"CABIN PARTY!!!" Mason screams a little too loud, while shaking his head like a wild caveman.

The entire lunch room looked over to see what the outrageous outburst was about, causing Gabby to giggle hysterically. Mason was kind of an airhead like that, but for whatever reason, Jaxon and his friendship had lasted since Kindergarten. Sometimes you just have those people.

I was excited to be around some teenage normalcy. Watching my peers making bad decisions and poor dating choices was an excellent and uplifting change of pace from the seriousness that had become my life.

Dane agreed to drive us out there as he wasn't drinking due to his medications. He really didn't like drinking anyways. Anything that clouded his all too inquisitive mind was not something he enjoyed. I, however, could use a stiff drink.

It'd been awhile since I dressed up. Since homecoming, I guess. I decided to make myself up and get cute for the party. Gabby was texting relentlessly, trying to determine what shirt to wear, and how to style her hair. I'm still not sure why she cared so much, Jaxon would still be obsessed with her even if she was wearing a burlap bag with a bald head. The man had it bad.

I decided on a grayish blue sweater with an open back and my ripped jeans that hugged my curves just right. Tying my hair into a loose low bun with a few tendrils hanging out, paired with some moderately high wedge booties, I felt ready. I stopped to double check myself in the mirror on the way out. I felt cute yet comfortable.

The doorbell rings just as I am walking towards it. My mom answers it before I can get there, giving Dane the biggest hug, which makes my heart melt.

"How ya doing sweetheart?" she asks, breaking their hug, holding him at arm's length.

"I'm doing great. I've been feeling good, thank you." He smiles and nods, then looks past her at my presence.

His eyes grow wide and his mouth slowly parts open as he takes me in with his eyes. It's the way every girl wishes her guy would look at her.

"Hi Dane." I grin flirtatiously, looking up at him through my lashes as I walk towards him.

My mother says her goodbyes and heads into the kitchen.

"Kodi..." he shakes his head, his eyes leaving fire in their wake as he scans my body. "Christ, girl, you're killin' me."

"Whatsoever do you mean?" I bat my lashes at him, playing the seductress role to a T.

He pulls me into him, surprising himself when his hand slips down my bare back into my sweater. Spinning me around, to check it out, his mouth drops open.

"Oh yeah, I like this one," he says in a deep, sultry tone as he runs a hand through his dark locks.

I scrunch my nose playfully at his attraction to me. I felt flattered. His ability to still make my stomach flip in excitement brought me nothing but satisfaction. He was still everything to me, despite all of our hardships.

I couldn't help but notice his look either. He wore a loose green shirt that melted to his lean muscular figure, with a black bomber jacket and some stylish new gold-chained necklaces I'd never seen before. His black ripped jeans along with his lengthy height made him look effortlessly sexy while somehow posh.

I grab my light brown leather coat, saying goodbye to my mom as we walk through the front door to leave.

"Bye mom! We're heading out!"

"Bye honey! Have a good time!" she replies, popping her head out of the kitchen with a little wave. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

Immediately looking over at Dane with a confused face, his eyes stare into me, almost nervous that I'll question her statement. But, I don't.

After he opens the car door and helps me in, I immediately turn to the driver's seat, waiting for some answers.

"What?" he asks playfully at my stare, as if nothing had happened.

"You know what! How did you get my mom to let me stay out all night?!" I laugh, amused.

"Oh yeah, that...I told her about your planned sleepover, you know, the one with Gabby?" he says super nonchalantly.

"What!? You lied to my mom!?" I gasp, humor in my eyes.

"No, I wouldn't say that...I thought that's what you had planned. We were going to Jaxon's for a dinner date then the girls were having a sleepover." He shrugs.

"Real slick, Mr. Dillon." I shake my head at him, crossing my arms with a half grin on my face.

"Honestly, I think she knew what was up, probably just thought maybe if her daughter got laid she'd de-stress a bit."

"Dane Dillon! You bad boy, you!" I gasp while playfully slapping his arm.

"Oh, just you wait Kodi. You haven't seen bad yet," he says in that deep sultry voice again making my insides squirm.

Oh, this was going to be quite a night alright.

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