45. The Grandmaster's game

Start from the beginning

"I'm serious, Stella." He says, clearly putting in an hell lot of effort to be polite. "If you have seen this place before say so. Every little detail counts."

She examines her freshly manicured nails, impassive. "You think?"

He casts me a furtive look. "You sure about her? I'm not interested in wasting my time and energy on a pea-brained barbie with attitude."

"Better using her than leaving her dead." I shrug.

"Whatever. It's your funeral." He mutters under his breath, before turning back to her.

He motions us to sit down. We do.

"Part three : The territory of the Rogue King, and your mate." His voice sharp enough to cut through a rock.

The map shows us the borders of the territory - The easiest and the hardest ways to penetrate the fort.

The front gate of the castle faces four hundred acres of forestland; the back faces off a rocky cliff that sinks into the White sea. Eight siege-towers rise from the walls of the fort, equidistant to each other - four overlook the sea, while the others overlook the forest. Inside the fort, to East stands the line of silos and the granary. The laboratorium stands to the North while the Palace stands in the centre. The artillery and the library are inside the palace, while the dungeons are located underground.

Through our bond, I feel my sister shudder.

"The main entrance of the castle is through the forest but three sides of the castle are surrounded by a thirty feet deep moat filled with wolfsbane diluted in seawater, strong enough to burn the fur and dermis right off your body." Ashton reminds us. "Only an idiot would suggest we scale the rocky cliff from the sea-side."

Stella opens her mouth as if to say something then shuts it with a snap.

"But that is impossible because there are guards watching every move from the four siege towers. We'd be blown up into smithereens before we place our first foot forward."

"So what do you suggest?"

"We enter in through the front entrance. Make it so obvious, they don't see us coming."

"We? There is no we. I'm not part of this suicide mission."

"Say that to my pack who clamour to spill your blood." Ashton replies coldly.

Her face turns pale. "You wouldn't dare. My brother will destroy you all."

"He can try. Won't be the first time he fails."

Stella observes him with distrust. She glances toward the door and then back at Ashton again.

"Say, I do join you...." She swallows again, as the words leave a bitter aftertaste in her mouth. "There is no way his guards won't see us coming. You said they stationed at every tower and there will be more at the entrance. When they catch us and blow us to smithereens anyway."

"Not if they can't see us."

The Trojan horse. That's what we'll be.

She gapes at him. "You can't be serious. The place is riddled in dark magic. Your powers will wear off in a matter of minutes!"

His grin is wolfish. "I thought you said you knew nothing."

She glowers. "I've heard the stories."

Ariana rolls her eyes. "And we've been there, seen that. It's true and it's worse, but that isn't stopping us from going there again."

"You guys are crazy." Stella breathes, her wide-eyed gaze switching between the three of us. "Batshit crazy. You have a death wish."

We glance at each other, a smirk tugging at our lips as we hold onto secrets she can't even dream of. If only she knew...

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