(Fluff) Female assasin: Moriarty

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It was a warm evening, you had travelled all the way to London to pursue a job given to anyone by the great Jim Moriarty, the worlds only consulting criminal. Many saw him as the devil himself but you had not a strand of fear of him in your body. "Mr Moriarty shall see you now," a tall man with dusty blonde hair said, his eyes scanning you. You opened the large doors of the office, in a throne like chair a man sat, his dull eyes showed no sign of interest. Up and down his eyes travelled your figure, a smirk creeping up.

"So... Miss L/n... what can u do for you? Murder? Robbery? World domination?" He chuckles and puts down the gun he had in his hand. He leans forward, you walk up to him and sit in the chair in front of him.

"I'm here to do a job," your calm manner struck him suddenly.

"Do? A woman? Very funny," he picks his gun back up and points it right at your head. "What are you really here for?" He closes one eye before pulling the trigger. The gun clicks, you don't flinch. "Impressive... but really? You want to work for me?"

"Yes, sir," he leans back into his chair and smiles, he loads the gun and takes out a shiling. He hands you both the shiling and gun.

"Throw it in the air and shoot, let's see how well you can aim,"

"Waste of a shiling but alright," you shrug and throw the shiling in the air, aiming you shoot it right in the middle. You pick the coin off the ground and hand both things back to him. He smiles, satisfied...

"I may have a job for you,"


It had been months since Moriarty first recruited you. You had done numerous jobs, all paid accordingly, no questions asked. Your fondness for the criminal genius grew as you got to know him more, his traits, behaviour, triggers, and the like. "Morning, Sir," He had invited you to live in the palace he called home so this was an ordinary morning for the two of you.

"Morning, Y/n, I have a job for you today," your eyes sparkle with excitement as you sit down in front of a file. You open it to see details of a woman who owed Moriarty £10. Huge debt. "I need you to get the money from her by tonight, it also occurred to me that I need a date to a ball tonight, would you like to accompany me?" Your eyes widen and you blush.

"Of course," you smile and take the file, ready to scour the city for this woman... and get ready for the ball.


"Miss Etchgray... it seems you owe a certain somebody £10..." she scoffs and continues to eat her afternoon tea.

"And who may that be? Why would they send such a lousy maid to collect it anyways?" She sips at her tea nonchalantly.

"Jim Moriarty is who," her eyes widen and she puts down the cup. She straightens our her skirt and stands up, she takes her purse in her hand and walks towards the bathroom of the small tea shop.

"Excuse me one second," you agree to let her go to bathroom and you wait... first mistake. You scold yourself and run into the bathroom ass it had been too long. You see the stalls empty.

"Dammit!" You smack your forehead and run out the shop and down the street, you see Miss Etchgrays blinding pink dress through the crowd and pursue her. She turns a corner and so do you. You look down the alley and see her to have disappeared, hearing a rustle by crates you smirk and duck avoiding getting hit by Miss Etchgrays purse. Taking out the gun by your ankle you aim it at her head. "I know you live right by here, let's walk and get that money, if you cause me any problems your blood will line this street, understood?"


"Here's your money, Sir," you hand him the thin paper worth £10. He smiles and opens up the safe behind a painting, he lays it carefully inside and closes it back up.

"You have an hour to get ready," you nod and make your way up the stairs, into your room you do your usual light makeup and put on a black and blood red dress, lace gloves to go along with it. Making your way downstairs you see Moriarty in immaculate attire. "You look lovely," he smirks as you blush and take his hand.


The night was magical, who knew The Napoleon of crime would be such a gentleman, and such a good dancer. He was very clingy but in a good way, he didn't let anyone else dance with you, just the way you liked it. You agreed to take a stroll through the grand gardens. Lillies and roses, blossoms and tulips, all these flowers made rows of colour swarm the landscape. Moriarty turns to you and sighs. "Did I say you looked beautiful tonight?" You giggle and smile up at the man.

"You did, multiple times actually," he then stops and takes your hands in his, you look up into his deep brown eyes, your heart picking up its pace. "Sir?"

"Y/n, call me James," you nod. He smiles, a genuine smile, not like the ones he gives clients on a day to day basis, he actually looked happy. "Y/n... I- I want you to be mine, you're not ordinary, you're special- in a good way!" He starts to ramble as you just chuckle. "And I understand if you want this to be strictly business but if you wish to-" you cut him off by leaving a kiss lingering on his lips.

"Does that answer your question?" He nods and smirks, regaining his stunned self he grabs you by the waist and kisses you softly, the moon shining behind the both of you.



- Anna ❤️

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