Engagement Ring

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Justin kissed her back but pulled away before she could deepen it. "Baby we need to talk" Justin told her. "I rather not" Selena undid her robe revealing the sexy lingerie. Justin looked at her gorgeous body knowing he couldn't resist. "Damn babe" he bit his lip as he placed his hands on her hips pulling her against him. "Like what you see?" She laughed. "I love it" he said before kissing her. Selena kissed back feeling him lift her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Justin's POV

Damn I was there to end things and the next thing I know my dick is jamming inside of her wet pussy

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Damn I was there to end things and the next thing I know my dick is jamming inside of her wet pussy. I'm sure as hell gonna miss fucking her but it's time for me to break it off. I don't love her anymore, I'm pretty much bored and ready for much better things in my life. She's gonna hate me of course but oh well.

"Mmm baby, that was so amazing." Selena smiled as she was staring at her man. He was staring up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. "I love you so much Justin. You have no idea." Selena was waiting for him to say those two words back but she never got them. "I have something to ask you." Selena felt the anxiety but she was ready for him to ask her to marry him. "What is it babe?" Justin sat up and leaned over grabbing a small black box from his pants pocket. Selena smiled as she bit her bottom lip as she crossed her fingers together. Justin opened the black box and before he could say anything... "YES! Baby yes I'll marry you!"

"This ring isn't for you" he told her. Selena tilted her head back slightly with a confused expression on her face before she laughed. "Baby quit playing with me. I said yes. You have no idea how happy I am right now." Justin closed the box which made Selena confused. "I just wanted your opinion on the ring. If you think it's gorgeous or not."

"Of course I find it gorgeous." Selena was confused as she watched him start to get dressed. "Justin you're acting weird. I thought—You were asking me to marry you." She told him as she watched him put on his pants. "Why are you getting dressed for? I thought you wanted to stay in bed and cuddle? I didn't see you all day until now and didn't get to see you at all for your birthday. This time should be our time..." Justin grabbed his shirt as he turned to face her. "No you wanted to stay in and cuddle." Selena was confused about his sudden change of mood. "I feel trapped and suffocated. I can't do this anymore."

"Justin..." Selena slowly stood up from off the bed and put her robe on and tying it. "... where is this coming from? I thought everything was good between us. Please tell me this is some stupid prank you're trying to pull on me." Justin shook his head as he put his shirt on. "So you're—you want a break?" She watched him grab some of his clothes from the closet. "Stop, stop..." she walked over and grabbed his arm seeing him look at her. "Selena I don't want a break. We have had so many breaks in the past. I'm going to say this very slowly and I want you to comprehend all of it. I do not love you anymore. I don't want to be with you."

Selena took a step back as she started to shake her head. "No, no, no" Justin put his hands on her shoulders. "Yes Selena" she shrugged his hands off of her. "What the hell did I do? I'm so confused right now. You fuck me and show me a ring and tell me you don't love me and want me anymore" he shrugged his shoulder coldly. "What do you want me to say? Selena the ring isn't yours." Selena was heartbroken tears were building up in her eyes. "Wow.. so who is she?" She looked at him with blurry vision. "What does it matter?" Tears began to fall from her eyes. "Because I deserve to know who the man I love, is screwing behind my back. I thought you were done hurting me. You promised me the world Justin. Who is the engagement ring for?"

"Selena it doesn't matter. It won't change anything. You will find out soon. Again, I'm sorry. I have to go." Justin began to walk towards the door. "Be a man and tell me!" Selena felt heartache and pain. Justin just stood there in front of the door with his back facing her. "Selena don't make this harder than it should be. You have to let me go."

"No you're a coward. If it's over then why did you fuck me then?!" She yelled out as she was sobbing. "Really Sel?" He turned to face her. "You threw yourself at me with that lingerie that you had on what did you expect me to do? It was a goodbye fuck. Thank you for everything and I wish you the best." He said before opening the door and walking out.


• Thank you for all of your love for this story! Sorry that I've been posting a lot these past days just thought I needed to make up for the times that I didn't post. Also, sorry that I sped up the Jelena story but I'm sure you don't mind 😉 Talking about them made me gag lmao. I promise it's the end of them off to better things in the story 😊

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