• For Her •

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Picture from cover: Cat Noir's Miracle Box

Cat Noir leapt back into his own room, still carrying his Miracle Box and the guide book that Ladybug gave him. He still wanted to ask if he could go to the concert rehearsal for Kitty Section, but hiding the box was his top priority. He couldn't let Ladybug down and let someone find it. She trusted him with it.
"Plagg, Claws In," Adrien said, immediately detransforming.

"Congratulations!" Plagg cheered as soon as he exited the ring. "You're a Guardian! My owner has only been a Guardian, like, twice, for as long as I can remember!"

Adrien smiled at his peppiness. "I can hardly believe it myself, Plagg," he said. Adrien examined the box he held as he made his way to his bed. "It looks so cool!"

Plagg zipped around his owner, trying to see the box from all different angles. "Eh, I've seen cooler," he said after a few seconds of observing.

"Come on, don't be such a downer," Adrien chuckled. "I think it's cool."

Suddenly, Adrien heard footsteps approaching his door. "Plagg, hide!" he whispered. Plagg flew into the nearest cabinet. Adrien quickly kneeled down and shoved both his Miracle Box and the book under his bed.
Nathalie entered the room just as Adrien stood back up again.

"Adrien," she said, "don't you have a meet with your friends today?"

"Uh, yeah, I do," he replied with a fake smile. His smile slowly disappeared as he looked down, realization settling in. "Father isn't going to let me go, is he?" Adrien mumbled.

"Actually, quite the opposite," Nathalie replied. Adrien looked up as his smile spread across his face again. Nathalie couldn't help but grin a little at his reaction. "Your father is allowing you to go to your friends' concert. He believes it will be good practice for your piano skills," Nathalie said monotonously.

"Really? Are we going now?" Adrien asked excitedly.

"Yes, I will be driving you."

"Can we pick up Kagami? She likes watching us rehearse."

Nathalie thought for a moment. "If her mother agrees to it, then yes."

"Thank you so much!" Adrien ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Tell father I said thanks as well," he added, pulling away.

Nathalie led Adrien down the stairs with her perfect posture and her hands behind her back. She settled into the driver's seat as Adrien took his place in the passenger seat beside her. He'd waited a second outside the car for Plagg to catch up to him, making sure nobody saw.

In a few minutes, Kagami was in the back seat, and they were on their way to where the Liberty, the Couffaines' boat, was docked.

"Thank you for inviting me, Adrien," Kagami said.

"Yeah, no problem!" Adrien replied. He stared out the window as he thought about Kagami. She'd wanted to be with him, but he still loved Ladybug. Would Ladybug ever be in love with him, though? Maybe he was striving for something that would never come to be. Maybe Kagami was the next best choice.
Something— or someone outside the window caught his eye. "Nathalie, wait, can you stop a second?" Adrien asked, still looking out the tinted window.
Nathalie obeyed and the car slowed down. Adrien rolled down the window.
"Marinette!" he shouted as he waved.

Marinette, surprised, stopped walking and turned around. "Adrien!" she exclaimed.

"Where are you headed?" he asked.

"I'm going to Luka's place to watch the rehhh- rehearsal!" Marinette smiled shyly, hoping her stutter hadn't been obvious.

"Oh, we're going there too!" Adrien said. Kagami peeked her head from behind Adrien's seat.

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