• For Your Own Good •

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"You are never to go to that Art Club again." Susanna said sternly.

"What???" Marc felt his heart sink. "Why???"

"It's too dangerous, with that Lila Rossi and her disease attracting akumas left and right," his father explained. "Almost everyone in your class has been akumatized, including you, mister. It used to be because of Chloe, but now it's Lila I guess. It's just too dangerous with her around, but we can't do anything about it since, well, it's a disease."

"So you won't go to that Art Club anymore until we find a new school for you to go to, one without someone like Lila or Chloe," his mother added.

Marc felt his jaw drop. "Are you kidding me?" His eyes grew hot and his throat went dry. "I can't switch schools!" he choked. He'd be leaving Nathaniel behind. He needs him for the comic book.  Ladybug and Cat Noir told them themselves not to stop writing. If he stopped going to Art Club, or François Dupont for that matter, he'd be letting them down.
"Our comic book-" he started as tears came to his eyes.

His mother wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug. "It's for your own good," she whispered to him.

Marc didn't know what to do or say. There was no way he was just going to stop writing. He just stood in his mother's arms, thinking of a possible loophole that could satisfy both him and his parents.
There was nothing.

"I'm sorry, son," his father broke the silence. "We just want you safe."

"Ladybug and Cat Noir told us that our comic book was good, they told us to keep writing and to keep it up, if I stop going to the Art Club then I won't be able to do it and I'll let them down," Marc protested. "This is so important to me, please dad! Even with all the akumas around, Ladybug will be able to stop them, she hasn't failed yet."

His father looked away. "What if she does?"

"She won't." Marc said.

"You don't know that, Marc," Susanna took over. She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes, with her hands on his shoulders. "The only way to keep you safe is to get you away from danger, no matter the cost. If you got really hurt, or worse, then not only will you not be able to write your books, you won't be able to do anything at all. I am not taking the risk for my son."

Marc sighed. His mom was a lawyer and really managed the house. He couldn't argue with her, she would always win. He took a deep breath and tried to accept the fact that soon, he would never be able to see his friends again. There was no hope.

"Fine." He closed his eyes and sighed, wiping the tears he didn't realize came down off his cheek with his hands to recompose himself. The only thing he could do was pray for a miracle.

Susanna pulled him into a hug again. "You know we love you, we just want you safe."

Marc nodded and pulled out of his mother's arms to go straight to his room.

Gabriel Agreste felt something in his heart, pulsing from the purple brooch he wore under his tie. A negative emotion, for sure. A strong one as well. He turned around to face the painting of his wife and pressed four hidden buttons in it, causing the platform that he stood on to descend.

Soon, he was Hawk Moth, with his purple costume and silver mask. He faced a large, round window with a small opening in the center. The light of the setting sun coming through the window caused hundreds of white butterflies to wake up and flutter to life.

"What a strong emotion, having to leave all your friends behind. What sadness..."

Marc lay on his bed, closing his eyes. He hadn't bothered to turn the lights on in his room. What was he going to tell Nathaniel? He'd be so disappointed. Marc just wanted to cry everything out, but something in him told him it wasn't over. Maybe Ladybug could arrange something, or Lila would move schools, or something. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Marc?" It was his father, calling through the door.

Marc sat up and watched the shadows of his parents feet dance in the golden light coming from the crack underneath his door. He didn't know why, but it made him feel calmer.

"You know we love you, right?" His mother's voice came through the door now. "We just want to keep you safe."

Marc smiled, knowing his parents just wanted to protect him. Maybe they were right. Maybe it would be better for him to change schools. He wasn't sure, but what he was sure about was that his parents loved him a lot and they were doing this to keep them safe. He saw where they were coming from. "Yeah, I know that, mom." Marc replied. "Thanks for watching out for me..."

Susanna nodded from the other side of the door. "It's for your own good." She reminded him, smiling.

Hawk Moth frowned. What happened to those emotions? He grumbled and said to himself, "I'll keep an eye on that family." The window closed, leaving the room in darkness.

A Miraculous Story Book 2: IceolatorWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu