• Albibis •

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Picture from cover: Albibis

"Ladybug, stop hiding and show yourself!" Iceolator yelled, floating around in her protective ice cube. Luciole and Cat Noir tried, but couldn't really do anything to stop her at this point.

Ladybug stepped into view, being sure not to apply too much pressure on her injured foot. "Iceolator, I'm right here!" she shouted. "Come and get me!"

Iceolator turned and raced toward her, but Ladybug seemed confident. Cat Noir smiled. He knew they'd won when she had that look on her face.

Ladybug waited for the perfect moment as Iceolator filled the gap between them. She angled the staff carefully as the villain came closer.
With the press of a button, Cat Noir's staff shot out toward Iceolator. She didn't seem phased by it and continued her course toward Ladybug because she had her ice cube protecting her, but to her surprise, the fireflies tied to the end of the staff melted through the ice.

"Wait-" Iceolator realized what had happened. Before she could react, the fireflies burned through the ice surrounding her hand, allowing the staff through. It knocked the ice pack out of her hand, causing it to fall to the ground below.

Iceolator screamed in terror as she watched Cat Noir dive at the ice pack. He quickly grabbed it, only to find Iceolator right in front of him. Cat Noir threw the ice pack over to Luciole before she could snatch it from him. "Luciole, pass it to Ladybug, quick!" he yelled. Iceolator shoved Cat Noir to the side as she stormed toward Luciole in a raging fury.
Luciole kept his eyes on the ice pack flying through the air, following it so he could catch it. Cat Noir's aim had been a bit off because Iceolator was blocking the way, so Luciole barely managed to get it. He fumbled with it for a few seconds before steadying himself. When he turned, Iceolator was practically on top of him.

"Gah!" Luciole yelped. Iceolator's sudden appearance surprised him, and he instinctively grabbed his lantern from around his waist and smacked her across the face with it. Iceolator was knocked back, gripping her face in pain. Strangely, the pain disappeared quickly, replaced by the anger within her. Luciole's hands went to his mouth. "Oh sorry, are you o—"

Iceolator lunged toward Luciole without warning, and he hit her in the face with his lantern again. She fell backwards this time, landing on her behind, groaning in pain. Luciole cringed. That had to have hurt.

"Luciole, bring the ice pack over here!" Ladybug called, waving her arms. She started wobbling over to him as well.

"Sorry, bye," Luciole rushed around Iceolator, still on the ground from the impact.

"Why are you apologizing-" Cat Noir said, standing up again.

Luciole tossed the ice pack to Ladybug when he was close enough, and she snapped it in half over her knee.

Sure enough, a black butterfly flew out of the object. But there was something else.

A black snowflake floated out as well, following the akuma. Ladybug's eyes widened, and she looked over at Cat Noir. He saw it too.

"What is that?" he asked.

"I have no clue," Ladybug replied. She unwrapped her yo-yo from Cat Noir's staff and opened it up to capture the infected items. "No more evil doing for you two," she said, swinging the yo-yo around. "Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug caught the akuma and the snowflake in her yo-yo, purifying them. Then, pressing a button on her yo-yo, she set them free. "Bye bye little butterfly and snowflake," she said as they floated away. "Miraculous Ladybug!" She threw up what was left of her butterfly net and it burst into a bunch of magical ladybugs. They swarmed the city, healing Ladybug's foot, cleaning up the ice boxes littered everywhere, and even clearing up the giant ice cube that had isolated Paris from the rest of the world. They also brought Marc and Susan Anciel back to their home.

A Miraculous Story Book 2: IceolatorWhere stories live. Discover now