• Luciole •

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There are references to events that I have not written about yet, nor have they happened in the actual show, in this chapter. Like I said before, this book will be part of a series, with books preceding and succeeding this one. So just ignore them for now! Hope you enjoy this chapter <333

Ladybug used her yo-yo to swing over to the ice box that Cat Noir was trapped in.
"Cat Noir! Are you okay?" She hit the wall with the side of her fist.

"I'm fine..." His voice came through the thick ice, muffled and laced with audible pain.

"Hang in there, kitty!" There were only about two minutes before he transformed back, she had to act fast. She took out her yo-yo and set a timer for 1:55 seconds as an estimate to when he would transform back. Iceolator brought down another ice cube, but Ladybug dodged it swiftly.
There was no way she could defeat her alone. She couldn't even do it with Cat Noir's help, and now he's trapped. She needed a helping hand.

Her earrings beeped and one of the spots disappeared, telling her that she had 4 minutes before she transformed back. Ladybug knew what to do. "I'll be back, don't detransform, whatever you do!" she shouted to Cat Noir. She threw her yo-yo and swung away from the battle. Iceolator began to go after her, but Hawk Moth's voice stopped her.

"You must stay beside Cat Noir!" Hawk Moth said. "If you leave, he may destransform and recharge, then use his Cataclysm to free himself. Wait for his 2 minutes to be up, then recall your ice block and take his Miraculous from him!"

Iceolator nodded and returned to the superhero she had just captured, opening a small hole in the top of the ice block. "Don't try anything," she warned with a smirk, peeking through the hole.

Cat Noir stared up at her, then retreated to a corner and sat, knees to his chest. He sighed. "Ladybug, please hurry," he whimpered.

Ladybug zipped her way back to her house, landing on the roof. She checked her time really quick, it said that 1:36 minutes were left before Cat Noir detransformed. She felt like that was the fastest she's ever gone in her life as Ladybug.

"Spots off," she said. Her costume disappeared, leaving her in her normal clothes, and Tikki flew out of her earring. The small creature groaned.
"Tikki, there's no time, I need a Miraculous that will help me defeat Iceolator," Marinette rushed into her bedroom through the trapdoor while reaching into her purse and tossing Tikki a pink macaroon. The kwami caught it and ate quickly.
Marinette leaped down from the steps that led up to her bed and scrambled over to her dresser, pressing the series of secret buttons that Qi had set up for her. Once she entered the correct code, the mirror slid down to reveal two Miracle Boxes. She opened them both as she looked over the possibilities, wiping the sweat off her forehead with her wrist.
"Things are so hopeless right now, I don't know which one will help me!" She complained aloud, frustrated. Tikki didn't reply, as her mouth was full.

Marinette's eyes fell on a Miraculous in her newer Miracle Box. "Unless..." She quickly, but carefully, grabbed a silver ring with a large blood black gem that had 5 golden spots on it. She reached inside her dresser and took out a Miraculous container for safekeeping, placing the ring inside and pressing a button on the side of her dresser in a swift movement. The Miracle Boxes entered the hidden space and the mirror covered it up. It looked completely ordinary once again.

Marinette ran to her rooftop again. "Tikki, Spots On!" Tikki stuffed the last piece of macaroon into her mouth before getting sucked into the earring, transforming Marinette into Ladybug.
The first thing she did was check her timer. It read 1:14. Every second counted.

Ladybug leaped away.

Nathaniel wasn't sure what to do after his encounter with Ladybug. He was worried for Marc, he really hoped he didn't get hurt in this process. Nathaniel found himself wandering into the park. Thanks to the current akuma attack, the park was empty of the children that usually played there. Nathaniel sat on a bench and waited for the Miraculous Ladybugs to come and fix everything. He looked up at the ceiling of ice that still overlay the city and, for some reason, wondered if the Eiffel Tower was tall enough to reach it. Or was it too short?

His random thoughts were interrupted by a zipping sound. When he saw the source of it, he stood immediately. "Ladybug," he said, surprised, "what's wrong?"

Ladybug landed on her feet and retracted her yo-yo as she ran toward Nathaniel. "I don't have much time to explain, but I really hope you accept," she blurted, talking as quickly as possible. She pressed a button on her yo-yo and it opened to reveal a magical pink and white space, and she reached inside.

"Accept what-" Nathaniel stuttered.

Ladybug held out her hand to reveal a Miraculous container. "Nathaniel Kurtzberg, this is the Miraculous of the Firefly, which grants the Power of Hope. You will use it for the greater good."

Nathaniel gaped at the Miraculous being held right in front of him. He'd always drawn comics about working with Ladybug, now it actually came to be! There was no way he was passing up this opportunity.
Nathaniel gathered himself and, with a confident look in his eyes, took the black box. He opened it, and a dark red ball of light appeared in his face. It flew around him, and he shielded his eyes. The ball of light dissolved into a dark red kwami with a yellow diamond on his forehead. He had a pair of antenna and yellow eyes, as well as a glowing piece hanging on his back.

"Woah," Nathaniel gasped. "What're you?"

"I am Blinkk, the Firefly kwami!" Blinkk had an energetic, yet somewhat soothing, voice.

Nathaniel grinned at Blinkk, then took another look inside the box. There was a silver ring with a large, bright red-orange jewel. It matched his hair.

"Once the job is done, you must return the Miraculous to me," Ladybug continued. "Can I trust you, Nathaniel?"

Nathaniel had already placed the ring on his finger, turning the large gem in the center a crimson color. He nodded and smiled.

"All you have to do," Blinkk said, "is say, 'Blinkk, Bright Night!'"

"Blinkk, Bright Night!" Nathaniel repeated.

Blinkk swirled into the gemstone on the ring on Nathaniel's finger, turning it a dark red color. 5 golden spots swirled into sight on the surface of the jewel. Then, Nathaniel began to transform. A mask appeared on his face with a yellow star in the center. The suit spread over his body, replacing his normal clothes in an instant with a wave of gold light. A firey pattern appeared over his chest and arms, with his hands being white, contrasting to the black on the rest of his body. Yellow lightning bolts striped his legs and yellow spots traveled down to his feet. His hair had gone up, revealing more of the left side of his face than usual. Finally, a lantern appeared in his right hand to complete the transformation.
Nathaniel stretched his arms to see what he looked like, unable to get the smile off his face. Before he hand much of a chance to process what just happened, Ladybug grabbed his arm. She was excited for him for sure, but there was no time.

"We have to go now, Cat Noir's identity is in danger!" Ladybug leaped onto the rooftops, signaling him to follow her. He did, amazed at his increased strength and ability. He latched his lantern to a strap on his waist. "I'll explain your powers on the way there," Ladybug said, checking her timer again as she ran. They only had 35 seconds before Cat Noir ran out of time. Nathaniel nodded. "By the way, what's your superhero name?" Ladybug asked.

Nathaniel thought for a moment, then he grinned. "Luciole. I am Luciole."

CREDIT TO toesuckinghobo FOR COMING UP WITH THE SUPERHERO NAME LUCIOLE! Follow him on Instagram @toesuckinghobo if you want

Also here is the Firefly Kwami and Miraculous, charged uncharged:

Also here is the Firefly Kwami and Miraculous, charged uncharged:

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A Miraculous Story Book 2: IceolatorWhere stories live. Discover now