Chapter 2 | Crushes

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"Get up Sarah!" someone yelled into my room. I mumbled something that was supposed to sound like words but instead it sounded like a cat dying. I rolled over in my bed, pulling the sheets above my head before something yanked them away, leaving me exposed to light.

"I don't wanna go to school," I groaned while shoving my head under my pillow. My face grew hot as I sat there, waiting for a response from the person who disturbed my sleep.

"You have to, now get up," a low voice said. I could tell it was Zach because I knew Stephen's voice wasn't that low.

"Ugh," I said while throwing the pillow off of me. I sat up in my bed, a piece of hair sticking in my mouth. I spit it out as Zach laughed.

He walked to the door. "What a sleeping beauty." I rolled my eyes at him as he walked down the hallway. "School starts in 30 minutes so get ready!" He called.

My mouth formed into a large yawn before I got my butt out of bed, dragging myself to my closet. I scanned my clothes, which consisted of a lot of T-Shirts and a few dresses, before I grabbed my Star Wars shirt. I held it up, making sure it wasn't dirty or something from moving. I threw it on my bed before grabbing a pair of jeans and my black Vans.

"Sarah," Stephen said as he leaned his head through my doorway. "Have you seen my Under Armor Hoodie?"

I shook my head. "No. Sorry."

He groaned before running back to his room, his messy hair flopping on his forehead. I wasn't quite used to seeing his hair like that, because he always gelled it upward. It looked funny when it was down like that.

After I put on my clothes, I walked to the bathroom across the hall. I was scared to look in the mirror, since I probably looked like the Grinch. My face curled up in disgust as I stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was sticking straight up and there was a huge zit right in the middle of my nose. I leaned closer to the mirror, staring at the repulsive blemish on my face. It was as red as a tomato and it looked like it was about to explode.

I quickly grabbed my makeup and put as much as I possibly could on the horrible zit. After about a minute or so of covering it up, it looked like it was never there. Thank God for makeup. I took my time putting on mascara and eyeshadow, since I still had about 15 minutes.

After I curled my brown hair, I ran downstairs to get something to eat. I twisted and turned my way around the boxes before I finally made it to the cabinet. I didn't even open it halfway as Zach yelled from upstairs.

"Come on! Time to go," he said before the sound of Stephen's feet came thumping down the stairs. I grabbed a cherry poptart and turned around to see Stephen, his hair no longer on his forehead. He must not have found his hoodie, because he was wearing jeans and a red shirt that looked good on him.

"You look nice," I said while taking a bite from my poptart.

Stephen reached out and took a piece of my poptart. "Shut up."

I rolled my eyes. "Come on. You're driving."

"I know," Stephen said while holding up his pair of keys. We both headed towards the door before Zach called from upstairs.

"Have a good day," he yelled before I shut the door, headed towards Stephen's black Ford truck. I hopped into the passenger seat as Stephen did also, starting the truck.

The car ride was quiet most of the time except for the soft hum of the radio. We only lived about four or so minutes away from the school, so it wasn't that long. As we pulled up into the school parking lot, I noticed how big Beacon Hills High was. If I wasn't nervous before, I sure was now.

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