Chapter 8 | Secrets

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"Welcome back from the dead," I laugh as Stephen and my adoptive parents step through the doorway. I smile as I bring Stephen into a hug, not caring that he was struggling to get out of my grasp.

"Have you gotten fatter?" Stephen says, causing me to let him go. I scoff as I slap his arm, watching him as he laughed to himself.

"It's only been two days," I say, placing my hand on my hip. "I couldn't have gained that much weight in two days."

Stephen raises an eyebrow, about to make another comment before Vanesa walks forward and gives me a hug. "It's nice to finally be home. That hospital was about to drive me mad."

I laugh before I go hug Zach, noticing that he had a cast around his wrist. He pulls me in before letting me go, his eyes scanning the house. "I'm surprised you actually kept this place clean."

I look around the house, remembering the cleaning frenzy I was in only a few minutes ago. I smile deviously as I glance at the floor, seeing a piece of popcorn from last night. I walk forward and stand on it, hiding it from Vanesa and Zach. "Yeah. It wasn't that hard."

My adoptive parents walk to their room as Stephen does as well, myself following him up the stairs. He turns and walks to his room as I go to mine, ready to work on the homework I got at school today. Today was a very weird day at school. We were under lock down because some guy named Barrow was loose in the school, or so they thought. I noticed that Scott and his little friends were running around half of the time, doing something that I could care less about.

Stiles and I talked a little bit today, mostly about last night. We didn't exactly mention the kiss, but Stiles was hinting towards the topic. I didn't give in however; mostly because I didn't want to talk about being in a relationship right now. Yes, I like Stiles a lot. But too many things are going on right now that I need to focus on, like homework and keeping the fact that werewolves exist from Stephen.

I flop onto my bed, staring out of my window. I look across the street to see Scott walk out of his house, his helmet in hand. He was dressed in some decent clothing; a nice polo shirt and some jeans. He walks to his bike before getting on, driving off down the street. I wonder where he's headed off to.

I sigh as I lean up against my pillow, grabbing my bag that was leaning up against the side of my bed. I reach into it and pull out my calculous homework, my mind already groaning. I stare at the white sheet of paper before I give up, deciding to just copy Kira or something tomorrow. She always has the right answers.

I pull out my phone and pull up snapchat, seeing that I had a message from Kira. My finger presses the red button on the screen, showing me a picture of Kira. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun and she was wearing a loose shirt. I read the line across the photo, it saying "Want to come over for dinner tonight?"

I set my homework sheet to the side as I pull up the camera, about to snap a photo of me before I stop. I stare at myself in the photo, something looking as if it was radiating around me. It was a strange red and yellow light, flickering around my head. I close my eyes and count to three, thinking that I was just seeing things. I open my eyes again and look at the photo, seeing that it was no longer there.

I sigh before snapping a quick photo, replying with "Sure. What time?" Kira replies in a snap saying "In like 10 minutes?"

I widen my eyes as I look down at myself, seeing that I was already practically ready. I take another quick photo, telling her that that was fine. I jump up from my bed and grab my black jacket and my lime green and gray shoes before walking out of the doorway, stopping as Stephen stepped in front of me.

"Where are you going?" Stephen asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

I lick my lips. "I'm going to Kira's house to have dinner."

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