Chapter 11 | Confusion

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"Good morning," I say as I walk into the kitchen, seeing Stephen sitting there. He stares into his bowl of cereal before he looks up at me, his face still showing that he was angry with me.

"Good morning," he practically mumbles before taking another bite of his Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I sigh before I look around, not seeing Vanesa or Zach.

"Where are Vanesa and Zach?" I ask as I open the fridge, taking out a jug of apple juice. I grab a cup from the cabinet before pouring some of the juice into the glass.

Stephen doesn't look up at me. "They both had to go to some meeting for work."

I nod my head before remembering everything about last night. "Where did you go last night?"

Stephen looks up after I ask this. "I went out with a friend."

"What friend?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

Stephen nods his head. "That guy Scott."

I narrow my eyes, knowing that he was lying. Scott was at the party last night with Kira. "Oh really?"

Stephen nods and takes another bite of his cereal as I start to take a drink from my apple juice. "Yeah, I went over to his house and we played video games."

I take a big gulp of my drink, almost choking on my laughter. I shake my head at my brother and slam my glass on the table, making him look up at me with wide eyes. "What?"

I laugh. "You must think you're so smooth, don't you?"

Stephen furrows his eyebrows. "I don't understand what you mean."

I scoff. "I was with Scott last night, which means you just lied to me, Stephen."

Stephen's face drains. "You were?"

I nod my head. "He was at the Halloween party with Kira."

Stephen sighs. "Oh."

I lean against the counter top. "So, what were you really doing last night?"

Stephen is silent for a moment before he looks up at me, not saying anything. I narrow my eyes when realization comes across me.

"Please don't tell me you were tracking down that person," I say, shaking my head.

Stephen leans closer, fire behind his eyes. "I have to know who did that, Sarah! They could have killed us!"

I widen my eyes as I feel my hands grow hot. "Stephen, listen to yourself! You're tracking down someone who was trying to kill us, but didn't. You're going to get yourself killed just by going after them! Why can't you just learn to let things go?"

Stephen shakes his head. "What if they come back and try to kill us again?"

I lean back, shaking my head. I knew that if that person did come back, they wouldn't be after us. They'd be after Scott. If only I could tell Stephen that. I sigh before leaning back, closing my eyes for a brief moment.

"Stephen, please promise me you won't do this anymore," I say, staring at my brother.

Stephen shakes his head and slams his spoon into the bowl of cereal. "I'm not giving up. I've already found some stuff-"

"Like what?" I say, crossing my arms.

Stephen stands. "I found blood on the street where it happened. We can find out who it is, Sarah."

I gulp, thinking for a moment. We could figure out who was after Scott and almost killed us. We could learn who that person really was, but I knew that I couldn't give into Stephen. I needed to prove a point that this searching was dangerous.

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