Chapter 12 | Fairy Tales

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"Thanks for coming with me," Stiles says as we walk through the hospital, which seemed to be almost empty. I scanned the faces of the nurses as we walked along, trying not to remind myself of what happened here not too long ago. It felt like ages since we got into that car wreck and when the oni came after me.

"It's no problem," I say, licking my lips and blinking rapidly.

Stiles stops and looks down for a moment. "So, you don't like hospitals I take it?"

I furrow my eyebrows and turn to face him. "Why do you say that-"

I stop short when I look down and see that my hand was grasping Stiles'; completely on accident. I must have been too focused on not thinking about the Oni to notice that I had taken his hand. I pull my hand away quickly as I start to blush, not believing that I just did that.

Stiles gives me a weak smile, but I can tell it's only because of how tired he was. He looked like he was about to say something before a woman walks over to us; one that was very familiar to me by now.

"Stiles? Sarah?" I hear the woman ask, who was Melissa McCall. "What are you two doing here?"

"I'm here with Stiles," I say, licking my lips once again. "He's here to see a doctor."

Melissa seems worried as she turns to Stiles. "What's wrong?"

Stiles steps forward, rubbing his two hands together. "I-I'm not sure. I haven't been feeling like myself lately..."

Melissa takes a long look at him before she's walking back to a counter, motioning us to follow. We do so as she walks around it and scans a few folders and files before she looks back up at us, her eyes sad.

"I'm afraid that Dr. Gardner isn't going to be here all week," she says shaking her head. "Would you like to wait for one of the urgent care doctors?"

Stiles looks as if he got really dizzy as he backs away from the desk, causing my hands to go up to his side. I help him keep his balance as he stares at me blankly, silently thanking me for helping him. I help him stand up straight again before he grabs the side of the counter, using it to keep his balance.

"Sitles, are you alright?" Melissa asks, now back around the counter.

Stiles shakes his head, the bags under his eyes seeming to get darker by the minute. "I-I don't know."

Melissa looks at me before she wraps her arm around Stiles', having him lean up against her. The two of them walk down the hall a little ways before walking into a room, me following close behind. I watch with a sad heart as Melissa lets go of Stiles, allowing him to sit on the side of the bed in the room.

I bring my hand to my mouth as I look at Stiles, noticing that tears were starting to form in his eyes. What I didn't understand was that I actually felt sincere about being upset. I barely knew Stiles yet I knew that if anything were to happen to him, I would lose it.

"What are some of your symptoms?" Melissa asks as she pulls out a clipboard, jotting down a few notes.

Stiles stares at the floor. "Blackouts, but not for that long. Sleepwalking, which I used to do a lot as a kid. Also having some really bad anxiety, which lead to most of my panic attacks. Oh—and I temporaraly lost the ability to read, but that might have had more to do with the giant magic tree and the sacrifice thing."

Earlier, I didn't know what in the world they were talking about when they talked about the sacrifices and the tree called the "nemeton", but Scott finally got me caught up to date earlier today at school. It really touched me that the three of them would die for their own parents; even if that meant them having these effects from it.

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