Chapter 26 | Endless Void

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Decided to clear this up real fast since many of you have been asking questions; but Sarah isn't really possessed, she's more of being brainwashed. The nogitsune basically tells her what to do and she does it. The "real" Sarah doesn't really know what she's doing, but she is still sort of herself. Hopefully that cleared up some stuff, but if not I'm sorry because I'm such a crappy writer haha.

Well, here we go.


I watch from a distance as Scott attempts to fight off the Oni, not doing a very good job. After all, it was basically him and Stiles against five killing spirits. Who did you think was going to win?

I chuckle slightly as I watch one of the Oni cut across Scott's abdomen; blood staining the snow below his feet. He howls out in pain before he grits his teeth and kicks the Oni back with his foot, the Oni stumbling before regaining its balance. Scott roars once more as another Oni Knicks him on the arm, not being as deep as the other cuts he's received.

"Sarah!" Stiles yells, but I ignore him. "You have to stop this!"

I groan and shake my head, not wanting to listen to any of his pleas. He deserved this; they both deserved this.

I turn back to Scott as I watch him grab one of the Oni's arms, twisting it so that it's sword fell to the snow below. The Oni hisses before Scott let's it go, bending down quickly and picking up the sword. He directs it towards two of the Oni he was fighting as he backs away slowly, Stiles staying close behind him. They looked like rabbits in a dog fight.

I take a step forward. "Care to own up to what you've done?"

Scott snarls at me. "Go to Hell."

"Actually we're already here," I say while laughing, extending my arms to amplify my point. It was true; we were practically in Hell, besides the part where Hell is supposed to be fire and not snow.

Stiles seems disgusted with my words. "Sarah, you have to stop this. You're letting him win-"

"Good," I say, lifting my chin. "I always knew I would be on the winning side."

Scott raises the sword higher as one of the Oni gets closer, causing his heart to race faster. Another Oni gets closer to them from behind, which causes us to slowly circle around one another. Before long I'm now facing the doors while Scott and Stiles were standing in the garden part. He looks up at me then, desperation in his eyes this time.

"Sarah I'm giving you one last chance," Scott says, almost the sound of sympathy in his voice. "I'm giving you one last chance to stop this."

I laugh. "I don't think you should be the ones making the deals."

Scott bites his tongue before he shakes his head, his grip tightening on the sword. "I'm sorry for this."

Stiles widens his eyes and screams as Scott lifts the sword, throwing it towards me. I'm alarmed by this for a split second, actually worried about the fact that he would kill me. However, we were in Bardo, and this was my nightmare to control.

I listen as Stiles screams as the sword comes towards my chest, aimed directly at my heart. Everything feels as if it's in slow motion as I envision the sword stopping, which is does. I look down as it levitates a few inches in front of my chest; barely touching me.

I look up at Scott, who's face had suddenly gone pale. "Add that to the number of reason's why I want to kill you."

"Sarah, I-" he starts to say as I glare at him, imagining the sword spinning around. I watch as it turns and levitates in the air, now directly aimed at Scott.

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