The phoenix then took off into the sky while Ari suddenly clutched on tightly to the fire bird, taken a bit surprised. 

"Whoa..." Ari soon said while looking around with awe as she was flying on the Phoenix over the dark sea. It felt so unreal, like something out of a dream. 

The Phoenix soon screeched to the fire girl, getting her attention. Ari looked up to see a small piece of land up ahead covered in snow and ice. 

"Of course. Glaciers are rivers of ice" Ari realized, speaking to the fire bird. "Ahtohallan is frozen"

Ari then heard the voice again while she and the Phoenix flew towards Ahtohallan. Little did they know, a familiar snow queen wasn't far behind on a water horse. 

Once Ari arrived at Ahtohallan, she climbed off the Phoenix and thanked it before it flew off. After all the adventures Ari's been through, she couldn't believe she was now here in Ahtohallan, about to discover the truth about herself and her family's greatest secret. 

Ari heard the voice again as she entered the cave and soon started singing. 

"Every inch of me is trembling" Ari began singing as she walked through the icy cave and all was quiet. "But not from the cold~"

"Something is familiar... Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold~"

"I can sense you there. Like a friend I've always known. I'm arriving, and it feels like I am home~"

"I have always been a fortress" Ari admitted, while shedding just a few tears. "Kept secrets deep inside~" 

"You have secrets too..."

"Don't let them know~" Ari could hear Elsa's voice echoing inside her head, but was starting to feel her presence nearby. 

"But you don't have to hide..." Ari told the voice.  

"Well, now they know~" Elsa's voice echoed again. 

"Show yourself," Ari told the voice. "I'm dying to meet you~"

(Let it go, let it go. Can't hold it back anymore~)

"Show yourself... It's your turn~"

(Let it go, let it go. Turn away and slam the door~)

"Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life?" Ari asked the mysterious voice, who'd been calling her and Elsa all this time. 

"Show yourself... I'm ready to learn~" 

"Ah, ah, ah, ah~" Ari sang out to the voice. 

"Ah, ah, ah, ah~" Ari then heard the voice call back and turned around to see a light leading down a tunnel. 

Ari smiled as she started chasing after the light down the tunnel. 

"I've never felt so certain. In all my life I've been torn. But I'm here for a reason. Could it be the reason I was born?" Ari questioned herself, while she continued going deeper down into the cavern. 

"I have always been so different. Normal rules did not apply~" Elsa sang, as she was exploring down a different part inside the cavern. 

"Is this the day? Are you the way, I finally find out why~" Ari and Elsa both sang in sync with each other, even though they were in different parts of the cavern. 

"Show yourself!" Ari and Elsa both sang. 

"I'm no longer trembling!~" Elsa said. 

The Adventure Kids Get Frozen AgainWhere stories live. Discover now