A New Beginning

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You scarf down your meal, rice and some veggies fried with an egg, impatient to log onto YGGDRASIL. You kept an eye on the time, determined to not be late to the last day you'd be able to log on; you refused to miss it.

You and your friend Momonga had planned an in-game party for the others who showed up, helped him draft an email to send to see who wanted to show up for one last hurrah; only Hero-Hero responded and said he'd make an appearance. So, you had to hurry; you'd hate it if you missed him.

You glanced at the clock when you finished your meal, swearing softly. 23:00.

You sped through rinsing your plate, hopping into your setup and logging into the system as quickly as you could.

"—at the end of tonight. Goodnight." You swore internally, guilt clawing at your throat; served you right for taking the time to actually cook a meal rather than get take-out.

"Hey, Momonga. Did I miss anyone else? Or just HeroHero-chan?" You sat next to your friend, shooting s questioning glance towards the 39 unfilled seats at the table.

"No, just him." Momonga sighed softly, resting his head in his hands. It stung; you two had kept Nasarick around for yourselves and the others, and yet...

"That... God, that blows." You place a soothing paw on Momonga's shoulder, concerned. "But at least we're here. We can give this place the send-off it deserves. Besides, we'll meet up IRL after this; I'll get us drinks."

That seemed to perk him up a bit; you'd see to it that it happened. You two only lived an hour or two apart, as far as you were aware. Hell, you'd buy a plane ticket for it if you needed to.

"Send-off in the Throne room?"

"Of course."

You followed Momonga out of the room, chattering about work as you both led Sebas and the Pleiades to the throne room.

You were going to miss this.

The Guild.

The adventures.

The friends.

Most of all, though, you were going to miss being able to spend time in a world where nothing on the outside really mattered.

You both entered the Throne room, going silent to stare at the flags hanging from the ceiling. All 42 of them, each one for the members of Ainz Ool Gown. It hurt, knowing that none of them were coming back. You weren't sure what Momonga was thinking, but you wouldn't be surprised if it were the same.

"Oh! I forgot Albedo was in here." You spoke quietly, gesturing to the NPC at the throne.

"So did I..." Based on his tone of voice, he'd forgotten that her name was Albedo. You smiled to yourself, walking up to her and pulling her information up.

"Tabula put a lot of work into her... I'm impressed at all the detail he put in." You mumble, skimming the sheet as Momonga sped through it.

You both laughed upon the reveal at the end of it; classic Tabula.

"No, wait, it's our last day; let me just—" You signed into administrator for her, deleting the last line and adding "She is in love with Momonga."

"No!!!" He put his skeletal hands over his face, thoroughly amused. Then, as if the thought struck him, he moved and added a "And Zara."

You both laughed, thoroughly amused with it. Tabula wouldn't mind since the server was going down; he'd have found it funny himself if he were there.

The Kids Aren't Alright - An Overlord OC Story [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now