Chapter 15: A Chance

Start from the beginning

Most of the boys were too busy munching away on her cookies and putting on the last bits of their gear (gloves, goggles, and boots) to pay her much attention as she cuddled into Griffon's side. She could feel the nervousness radiating off of him. James, on the other hand, waved at her with a cookie sprawled out in each one of his fingers and another three in his mouth. He looked carefree and relaxed as if he was not about to play one of the most important games of his career. Which he was. The Cannons had been struggling since the 1970s. Over the last few years, they had risen in the ranks yet again. This next game would either solidify their growing greatness or shoot them back to the bottom.

Rose was nervous enough for both of them as it was. They both worked so hard for this. Countless hours of rigorous training, early morning practices, bruises from rouge bludgers, and restless nights where they were too anxious to sleep. This game wasn't the one to win the championship cup but it was the one that would earn them the respect of the wizarding communities.

"Did you get my owl?" Rose asked meekly, daring to peek up at him.

"I did. Thanks for letting me know, but I don't think it was really necessary. He's your best mate. You should be able to invite him to games without having to worry about how it'll make me feel."

"Normally I would but circumstances are a little different wouldn't you say?"

"I know they are, but I trust you Rose and I'm not going to stand in the way of your friendship with Scorpius. Even if I don't particularly like him." Griffon muttered.

Rose smiled at that and spun around to wrap her arms around his waist. "Thank you."  Rising on her tip-toes she gave him a quick peck on the mouth. Griffon's arms tightened around her waist preventing her from moving away. He deepened the kiss. She wasn't normally one for public affection, but she could tell he needed something to lessen his nervousness. It wasn't until James sacrificed one of his cookies to throw at the back of Griffon's head did they eventually separate.

"I see enough of that off the fields I don't need to see it now." He insisted glancing at them both disgustingly.

A few of the guys snickered at James' reply and joined him in sending jabs at the lovely couple. Rose laughed good-naturedly and just to piss James off gave Griffon a lingering kiss.

Griffon swayed a little as Rose pulled away.

"You gits can tease all you want but next time I bring treats you won't be getting any."

That shut the boys up quickly. Griffon grinned lopsidedly at her before turning smugly to his teammates.

Focusing her attention rightfully back on her boyfriend Rose grabbed hold of his quidditch robes, smoothing out the wrinkles and straightening the collar. His eyes tracked her every movement. "I better get going. The rest of the family will be here soon." Meeting his gaze head-on she grasped onto his hands, "You're going to do brilliantly." With one last reassuring squeeze of the hand, she left, throwing a "good luck" to the rest of the boys over her shoulder.


The match against Puddlemere was to start any second and the stadium was alive with energy. Players zoomed around the stadium tossing quaffles to one another. Fans burst into applause every time they spotted their favorite players. People chatted animatedly snacking on licorice wands and other assorted goodies being sold on the trollies that were enchanted to magically fly around sections of fans. 

Even with all the noise, no section was louder than the Weasley-Potter clan. The entire family had shown up, knowing the importance of the match, and were chatting away happily. Fred wore a brightly colored Puddlemere jersey with a banner longer than the tables in the great hall. Painted on the sign read the words, "POTTER STINKS" in changing colors as he shouted out crude things about his favorite cousin. He was a supportive best mate. 

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