"is this.. perhaps..because how i treated you before.. i mean.. b-bullied..?" jimin gulped heavily, looking at jungkook whose eyes widened innocently.

"oh..what!? no no.. it's not that.. it was just uh sad sammy and you know.. it had nothing to do with you don't worry.." jungkook tried to reassure jimin who sighed as he nodded but jungkook had started spacing out again.

see that?


jungkook, don't ignore me

he doesn't care about you
he just wanted to take the weight off his shoulders, did you hear how he sighed in relief?

he's using you and you dumbass really think that he is willing to stay by your side?

you are so naïve for just letting yourself to fall on him! he couldn't care less if you'd slit your wrist right now, he wouldn't care if you'd just jump off the balcony right now.
as long as it's not his fault, he doesn't care!

jungkook tried to ignore sad samny but somehow it made him think all of this again, he started overthinking the smallest details and it brought anxiety again.


"hey.. are you listening? are you okay?" jimin tried to get jungkook's attention who was again spaced out. he blinked a few times as he brought his eyes to look into jimin's.


"yes jungkookie?"

"sad sammy won't leave me alone."

jungkook's eyes were full of anxiety and fear as he was breathing out unsteadily and looking into jimin's eyes full of worry. jungkook was biting his lip to try to block his tears. jimin was indeed worried and scared, jungkook looked like his life was hanging by a small little string, his eyes looked so tired.

jimin was afraid that jungkook was gonna give up and listen to sammy and he was so done, he wanted to get rid of it. jimin stood up and walked to jungkook's closet, he grabbed a hoodie and threw it on the bed as he put his own clothes on.

"dress up kook-ah"

jungkook was confused as he felt like he was suffocating in his thoughts, the air felt heavy. so he grabbed the hoodie and with his shaky hands, putting it on. jimin helped jungkook up and they walked out of jungkook's room to put the shoes on.

jimin was holding jungkook tightly as they took the stairs, one floor up to the roof of the high building.

jungkook was now shaking even more, the chilly wind was playing with his hair as he looked at how high they were.

he wants to kill you now

one jump and you're dead, die.

jungkook started walking a bit ahead of jimin.

if you don't die now, you're gonna face lawsuit of the cocaine, you'll be expelled from school.

there's nothing for you anymore

jump. it's gonna hurt for a second.

𝐔𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 | ᴊɪᴋᴏᴏᴋ    Where stories live. Discover now