Kelis POV 💓

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Did this nigga really just stop? Here I am in the shower stomping. I hate it hereeee🗣I wash up and get out and throw on some spandex and a white tank top and head down stairs , I hug Jermaine and Kayla and rolled my eyes at tone.

I'm really pissed I ain't had sex in 3 weeks cause he been in the dog house and he gone do me like that😂 Kayla and Jermaine are laughing " Whats wrong sis why you look like you gone kill my boy " I laughed at Jermaine . " He know why hope he keep that same energy tonight " And I winked and walked toward the door after hearing the door bell rung.

It was Amiyah I hugged her " hey bitch we turning up tonight for my mother fucking cousin and I got a bad ass outfit for you that I just grabbed and baby you gone get all the niggas tonight " She screamed I just looked at her like you know mfs is here and you causing a argument with tone. It's coming 3.....2....1 " She ain't wearing shit you bought her I know how you get down my , and she don't need no hoes she's good " I rolled my eyes Amiyah was ready to clap back.

" So you can be a hoe but she can't dress up and look nice for some hoes typical thot nigga " Amiyah and him stayed at it she ain't like how he was towards me but she knew I loved him and nothing would change about that.

I just left it alone once they start they don't stop and me getting in it gone have them both mad at me it's not even about them today i don't wanna hear the shit. I walked back in the kitchen and made me some of everything and sat down and started eating.

It was silence they knew to just leave me tf alone , my phone started buzzing No caller I'd . " hey kelis this Kane I'm just checking on you today. " i smiled Kane was another one of my brothers friends he was a neighbor that we just ended up growing with . He moved away but is in town for my brothers party tonight .

" Thank you Kane I'm doing okay, I can't wait to see you tonight I'll talk to you later " .. If looks could kill baby I'd be dead. Jermaine already knows how this is about to go so he speaks up " Kelis you know you shouldn't invite him out " I rolled my eyes " why Jermaine cause tone don't like him ? It's not about tone Jermaine he can come out and celebrate my brothers anniversary " I screamed " Lower yo damn voice talking to me don't forget who the Mf big brother is.

Do you want the shit ruined? " I rolled my eyes looking at tone he's over there hot. I pulled my phone out and called Kane back " hey Kane , yeah i know I said i couldn't wait to see you later but ima have to let you know that you're not welcomed on the property if you come it's gonna be problems " i sighed " I know why you doing it, it's coo letting that nigga control you as always " and he hung up.

" You happy? Everything is always about you bitch " I got up from the table and walked upstairs. Yeah he's there for me with anything I need he kept some of his promises to K but as far as doing right by me I don't know. He want his cake and eat it too but if I even look at a mf ima get my head knocked between the washer and dryer shits crazy. I laid down , I just want this day to be over .

KARIO i miss youuu so much. I take a couple shots and fire up a blunt , I'm feeling so good I need this. Listening to music and staring at the dark. The pain will never go away . I close my eyes and fall asleep , the turn up will be real tonight .

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