Family reunion.

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( Kari's Pov )

We were finally home for our family reunion and today was the meet and greet, we would be there later me and Kario had to meet w/ our granny today we were going to visit tone.

" You ready bro " I asked KARIO I know him and I know he keeps his feelings inside. " I hate this nigga for leaving us " He said crying i wrapped my arms around him. " KARIO he left but ja & gee stepped up for us. You're an amazing dad you're nothing like him you're way better it's okay to cry " I said crying while holding him.

" We gone get through this together okay? " I said to him he wiped my tears and I wiped his. I went upstairs kissing eli letting him know I was heading out. KARIO had opened the door and helped my fat ass get in his truck.

We got to my dads moms house seeing my granny and uncle izzy. " Hey y'all " she said hugging us " Awww my first great grand baby? " She said " 3rd KARIO has a little girl and another one coming before your grandson " I said to her as KARIO showed her korion.

" She's your sisters twin " She said smiling " Listen I know your mom took y'all away thinking that's what's best and I can't say I wouldn't have done the same I'm just sad that I've missed out on y'all whole life I'm not doing that with my great grandkids " She said crying.

KARIO hugged her " it's okay grandma we promise we won't keep them away and it's not too late to get to know us " He said wiping her tears. " Y'all ready to go see y'all dad " My uncle izzy said we just looked at him " Yeah we ready to see TONE " we said at the same time.

We headed out izzy was driving KARIO was in the front seat and me and my granny were in the back talking about everything. After about 30 minutes we was finally at the prison KARIO opened the door for us. " Y'all ready? " My grandmother asked while heading in KARIO held my hand.

We went in they searched us and we went through the metal detectors. We sat down in a room with just us waiting on tone to come out, he came out he was handsome KARIO and him favored a whole lot and I didn't even notice that we haven't seen him in years.

He sat down just staring at us " Damn y'all done grew up " he said we still was just looking " Is that a grandbaby I see? " He said looking at my stomach i smiled " yeah it's a boy his name will be Elijah " I told him. Me and tone kept speaking but KARIO said nothing.

" Come on KARIO " I said rubbing his hand " My daughter was dropped off on my doorstep months ago, I cried because I felt like I was gonna fail her I kept saying what if I end up like my dad? " He said tears flowing " My sisters and momma showed me that I would be nothing like you, I'm angry I keep everything bottled up and I'm fucked up on the inside " He said. I rubbed his back " I blame you for me and my sisters trauma , I blame my momma too yall were so toxic we had to see all of that " He said.

" I wanna hate you so bad but it's something in me saying give you another chance " He said i was so proud of KARIO. He needed to let that out I felt a huge weight be lifted off my shoulders.
" Look I know I failed y'all and I've been taking accountability for that, y'all know i made parole so I actually leave today and I wanna build a relationship back with y'all and if not I at least want to be there for my grandchildren and show y'all Im serious " he said. I smiled " baby steps but this was well needed maybe we can work on a good relationship we've always needed our real daddy " I said we all 3 hugged and we needed that. " We will see you tomorrow " we said leaving.

We headed back to the house and once we got there we headed back to the house to get ready for the meet and greet everybody else was already there. " I'm proud of you bro " I said he smiled " If it wasn't for you I'd still be super angry not gone lie I feel so much better " he said " My therapist said we would feel better and honestly I do too we need peace , I want to raise a baby in a healthy family I don't want nothing toxic " I said to him.

Lovers and friends🫶🏾Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora