I love him to pieces that just thinking about him could make my heart explode. I waited months to be able to touch him again and I don't think I could go anymore without him.

I couldn't bare waking up every morning with the pain of missing him. There is a sense of peace that I find within him. I am able to feel my most comfortable self around him. I know if things were to escalate and it was too much for me to handle, he would never make me suffer alone.

"Yeah. I love you and want to be with you every step of the way. I'm not letting something like that get into the way of our relationship again," I tell him, my eyes finally breaking from the drain on the ground. "You deserve the best and I want to be around for it, no matter what sacrifices there may be."

Ross smiles and nods with an appreciative look upon his face. "Nobody else I would want with me through it either," he tells me. His hand reaches out to grasp my chin. With a quick movement, he kisses me twice. "I love you."

Ten minutes later, we were both out of the shower and ready for bed. I climb beneath the sheets, tugging them close to my body as I wait for him to join me.

He flicks off the light and makes his long strides toward me, nothing but a pair of boxers hugging his body. The sheet moves up and he crawls under. I'm quick to move into his personal bubble so I can curl up against his warmth.

"Thanks for coming here," I mumble into his chest.

My eyes felt heavy from today's events as soon as I laid down so I'm already struggling to keep them open.

"Of course, babe," he murmurs, stretching down to place a kiss against my hair.

The next morning we woke up in our usual position. I felt Ross's face buried into my neck, his soft breathing in a steady, calming noise. His one hand grips the hip opposite to the side his face is resting as he essentially hugs me in his sleep. My hand rests on his arm.

We never go to sleep in this position, but we somehow always gravitate in this way where we are both comfortable.

I slowly drag my fingers up and down his arm as I wait for him to wake up. I have no desire to go on my phone either. I'm more than content just laying like this.

"Morning, bub," he softly says, his voice deep from sleep.

I squeeze his arm once. "Good morning," I reply. "How'd you sleep?"

"Mmm, good," he replies, keeping his face where it was before. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good, I was very comfortable."

Ross leans forward, pressing his lips against the skin on my neck. "Good, babe. I need to pee," he explains as he rolls out of bed and heads into the bathroom.

I stretch as soon as the restraints of his body are removed. He comes out a minute later, his eyes focused deeply on his phone. "You okay?" I ask.

"My publicist is so fucking annoying," he explains before laying down beside me.

"How is she being annoying now?"

"Bitching and complaining that I was supposed to get dinner with Dani tomorrow, but I left town without telling her," he mumbles. "I know I should've said something to her, but she infuriates me so much."

"How'd she find out you left?"

"Fans were posting the pictures of us at the airport. She texted me saying 'I know you weren't supposed to be flying out anywhere' or some shit." He shrugs his shoulders. I glance down at his phone and watches as he powers it off, tossing it down into his suitcase that's on the floor. "So what do you want to do today?"

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now