He took a step forward.
"Don't you see the pack needs you. We need you. Luke needs you."
I just scoffed.
"Yeah he needs me. He needs me to be so powerful. He does not want me and to be quite honest I do not want to go back. I've learned by my mistakes. Zach he kissed a other girl in front of me last week. I can tolerate a lot of things but one thing I promised myself is that I would never stay with a cheater no matter what. I have broken so many personal rules with you all. And i'm finally facing all the consequences. I just can't do it. Plus i'm leaving in a few hours."

He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
"Uh yeah about that"

I wanna see your peacock -cock -cock I wanna see

I dashed for my phones
"hey Al sorry if I woke you up but there has been a change of plans. Instead of flying home and risking injuring yourself more you will be on placement there. A young man named Zachary will be there early in the morning to collect you."

My jaw dropped. I quietly thanked him and hung up. "I'm sorry but you can't leave."

As a Marine I can't deny an order and they know that. And i've been ordered to go with Zach.
This is why I don't tell people things. They found my weakness and used it to their advantage. If I hadn't have said anything. If I pushed them away maybe i'd be back with my family, Training.

Is this some sick joke?

"Please Lex Please. We need our Luna back. We need our friend back. We want you back."

I walked into my room and got him some pillows. He just smiled and settled on the couch. Might as well try to get a bit of sleep before I face them all.
They can have their friend back. They can have their Luna back until this is all sorted out. But I don't know if Luke will ever get his mate back.
This is only temporary. I'll be on my way as soon as I knock some sense into Luke. So we can all move on. I'll always be that broken human girl.

The real question ringing in the back of my mind.
"Am I still not good enough?"


My hands are shaking. I've yet to determine whether that's due to my nerves or the weather. It's cold. It's dark. It's raining. It's definitely a curl up on the couch in your pyjamas day.

Zach and I woke up at 7 am. It takes about two hours to drive the "right way" back to the pack house. Zach has been trying to make conversation the entire way but I was too busy caught up in my own thoughts. I've made my decision. I'm going back to my comfort zone, my roots. I'm a Marine through and through. I'm only going back to train them and that's exactly what i'm going to do. No feelings, no special treatment. Strictly business.

I pulled into a diner. I need something to eat and now otherwise Zack and I won't be arriving together. The smell hit me like a ton of bricks. "Lexi you're drooling." I gave him a weak smile and he lit up like a christmas tree.

When the woman placed my plate in front of me I was ready to kiss her.
"So uh Lex"
"Look Zach I don't know why you're doing this. I don't know why all of this has happened but one thing I do know is that I have been ordered to train your pups and warriors. So that's exactly what i'm going to do. Things have changed. No more happy little families."
"No Zach No. As soon as i'm given the all clear i'm gone. Nothing and no one will stop me. I've been through enough. I'm only here for one reason and that is to train."

He winced and nodded his head in defeat.


So i've been driving for about half an hour.

"Shot through the heart and you're to blame. Darling you give love a bad name."

Oh the iorny. Although Bon Jovi is damn good I really want to strangle him at the moment.

It just got really awkward. Zach decided to speak up as I turned down the radio trying to avoid the giant elephant suffocating us in the car.

"You don't know how much you mean to us do you?" I was quite shocked. That's not what I expected. I expected him to ask me about what happened.

"You mean because i'm 'Luna' and am needed to make the Alpha stronger. The fact that i'm meant to keep the peace and be a mother to all? If so then I don't see anything that another girl couldn't provide."

"You are so wrong. Sure as our Luna you're meant to be firm but kind. Show compassion for all and look after the pack. But you. You're different. None of us wanted the typical Luna. We're not that kind of pack. Take Luke for example. Most Alpha's want a quiet submissive mate who will do what they say but not Luke. He wanted a girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to fight for it. He wants you. When we found out that you were our Luna it all made sense. You Lexi. No one else. You hold so much power. From Your own strength, what you've been through and who you are not some stupid title. Look just please don't leave us."

I took a deep breath. They really are making sure nothing is left aren't they. I'm already broken but somehow keep cutting myself on the shards left behind.

"I won't leave.....Until i'm finished. I promise you that but it's all i'm going to promise. I never make a promise I can't keep. Unlike some people. But after that i'm gone."

I wonder if he caught my double meaning but i'm hoping that he'll just look over it.

I pulled into the drive. There's no turning back now. No where to run and hide. I'm going to do this with my head held high. I have nothing to be ashamed of.......

This is what they've done to me, this is what i've done to myself. From a fighter to ...... Well this. But that's all going to change.

Author's Note :

The song is "Big Girls Don't Cry" - Fergie but i've taken bits out of it.

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Luna? No sir i'm a MarineWhere stories live. Discover now