Weiss Schnee

-The Ice King and Ice Queen.
-I-It's not like because they're cold to other people or anything...
-It's just that, Y/N's semblance is the power over Ice, Snow, and the cold. While Weiss' are her Glyphs and snowy theme.
-Weiss confessed first, and she honestly left Y/N confused if she really liked him or not since she's being Tsundere about it. She had to swallow her pride and Tsundere attitude before explaining it to him again.
The results were better than expected.
-When they finally got together, Weiss is less Tsundere to Y/N, but it comes out sometimes when Y/N is particularly doing something she likes and is embarrassed to admit it, like playing with a cat, or him being nice to her in general.
-Their first date was Schnee kind of level.
Y/N doesn't really know what to do...Jacques showed up at the end and berated at how weak looking the boy is, prompting Y/N to cry because of it. Weiss was mad beyond belief and they had just gone back to Beacon and stayed at the library. While Weiss was cooling off, Y/N prepared a candle-lit dinner for her so that she can forget her troubles, and again, the results were better than expected.
-They're equal in giving and receiving affection, but Y/N has to wait until Weiss would notice before he could receive and give his affections to her. And sometimes, Weiss would just suddenly hug him while telling him to shut up and let her hug him. Y/N would just sit with a permanent blush on his face.
-Y/N initiated the first kiss...it was Weiss' dream to have him kiss her first since it fit one of the fairytales she always dreamt of.
While Y/N might not be the perfect knight-in-shining-armor to Weiss he's more than the perfect person for her.
-Y/N gets jealous because of how many suitors Weiss had before she rejected them all, he didn't know it was jealousy until he opened up to Weiss about them. Weiss also gets jealous if Y/N gets flirted with or someone gets too close for her liking. She'll trap him in a hug for awhile to release her jealousy.
-10/10 cute relationship.

Ruby Rose

-One Hyper, Innocent Cookie and One Shy, Innocent cookie.
-they're both so smol and super innocent that everyone wants to protect them.
-They both just decided to be in a relationship since none of them get it and thinks it's just to tighten their bond. When Yang explained to them what a relationship really is though...they both turned red, but still decided to stay together since they don't see anyone else being their partner.
-First Date is Y/N making cookies for Ruby and Ruby giving him cheek kisses for each of the batch he makes. She doesn't know how to cook and wants to help out and for it to not be so one-sided, so this is the only thing she could think off. She's trying her best.
-Ruby is the Queen of giving affection. Her favorite is tackling Y/N in a hug and kissing his cheeks many times before he's on the brink of passing out. Y/n gives affection by hugging Ruby softly while he waits for her to return the affection.
-First kiss is...sudden. Yang told Ruby that kissing her partner's lips is one of the greatest ways of strengthening a relationship. So she kinda just...went to Y/N who was studying at the time and unintentionally did a French Kiss on him.
Once she was done, she kinda wanted more and did it again. Y/N passed out after the 2nd time.
-Ruby and Y/N don't do anything to make the other jealous as they have no idea what it is. Ruby might have a slight idea, but
Y/N? Nope. Haven't the slightest clue. People would just notice him radiate an intense, cold aura with one of the most coldest(no pun intended) look. It surprised others whilst also making them back off. This was all unintentional though. Y/N just didn't like what he was feeling.
-Innocent couple!

Blake Belladonna

-Nobody knows how these two ended up with each other. But it's something.
-Surprisingly enough, Blake confessed to
Y/N first, seeing as he is the complete opposite of Adam and wouldn't hurt anyone. Not to mention that he's like a walking, shy teddy bear.
-Their first date was at a library. Reading to both of their hearts' content. They often exchange theories and ideas which made Blake realize that he's more than just an innocent, shy boy with an unparalleled kindness and a cute face. He's also very intelligent and almost always in deep thought. Blake's influence on him made him more comfortable to talk and share the thoughts he often keeps to himself.
-When it comes to affection, they are slow.
First it's only handholding and it took awhile before it reached to hugging and cuddling. Blake is always the one to initiate first and knows if Y/N is very needy. Her favorite type of affection is having Y/N's head on her lap as she played with his hair. Y/N might blush at the start, but he'll fall asleep 10m after. Blake thinks he looks extra adorable when asleep, not that he isn't already super adorable.
-Their first kiss is one of, if not, the sweetest! Blake leads the kiss and supports Y/N every step of the way, she knows how to make kisses last longer without overwhelming Y/N and to keep him wanting more. After that, Y/N is blushy as hell, but happy. Same with Blake, but the blush is less apparent.
-Blake knows Y/N won't do anything to make her jealous, but she'll confront anyone who gets too close to Y/N. Y/N, like with the others, doesn't know what jealousy is, but he feels it. He holds Blake's hand and blushes whenever he's jealous. Blake thinks it's the most cutest thing.
-Definitely wanting to keep this relationship going.

Pyrrha Nikos

-They look like Siblings more than anything.
-Unsurprisingly, Pyrrha confesses first.
-Y/N's close enough to her that he is only lightly flustered upon her confession and was able to give a straight "I accept".
-First Date is a normal date! Just like what Pyrrha wanted! That is...until the paparazzi's get in the way. Y/N has to create a large gust of wind enough for them to get away. Pyrrha apologizes for that, but Y/N doesn't really mind and thinks it was still fun. They get coffee and iced tea(for Y/N) after.
-Affections are mandatory for Pyrrhs. Hugs everytime after school is done. Headpats for Y/N whenever he accomplishes something and Cheek kisses if she manages to make Y/N laugh, and if she's feeling playful and initiates a tickle fight, Y/N is guaranteed to lose the first second it starts and that leads to laughter with cheek kisses. Her favorite form of affection from Y/N is simply him snuggling up to her arm. He's so cute like that.
-First kiss is initiated by Y/N. He claimed he wanted to try something and when he suddenly pecked her lips before tilting his head innocently towards her, she sh00k. She didn't expect that. And it seems like
Y/N didn't really know what it meant, he says Jaune told him to do it. Pyrrha silently thanks Jaune in her mind for that.
-Jealousy isn't a thing in their relationship, but there are instances that there are fans that get too close to Pyrrha, and that upsets Y/N. Pyrrha will cancel everything if she notices him upset.
-They grew to need each other now and are dependent on each other's warmth.


Feed me more Kimetsu no Yaiba pliz. Just...not Douma...(Unless we killing him, then I'll be happy to oblige!)
-Mod Ibuki

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