Chapter Twenty Two

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Shoutout to: ImaginaryAirguitars for being the first to guess the song.
Also thank you for answering the Q&A, stay tuned at the end for the next one.

Luke's P.O.V

One moment I was alone in my room crying, next moment I was kissing Michael. From then on, I don't know what you'd label Michael and I as. Were we now considered 'Friends With Benefits' because if so I'd like to remove myself from that. If that's what people called us I'd feel used from the only thing I love more in life other than my family and penguins.

I should make sure to ask him about it when I'm in a more confident mood. As usual I was in my normally awkward state. I sometimes wish that I would be more 'free' like everyone else in the band. Maybe have a good time at a social event rather then trying to impress anyone and everyone.

Currently I was feeling in a very inspiring mood for some reason but I wouldn't dare share my 'inspiring' thoughts with anyone. But even if I tried, Michael was sleeping beside me with an arm wrapped around me. He kind of reminded me of a kitten, you know like the little week old ones.

Michael's face scrunched up, his hands reached up to his face as he let out a sneeze. I giggled causing him to groan and turn away from me.

"Awww, baby kitten is tired." I hadn't realized I said that out loud until Michael rolled back around to face me and smirked.

"Oh really now?" He questioned.

"Uh... Yes." I attempted to act like I knew what he meant when I actually was quite confused as to what he would do or say.

"Kiss me." He demanded.

"W-what-" He cut me off by slamming his lips on to mine. For a second I didn't react but I soon kissed him back with the same passion that always lingered when our lips touched.

I was breathing heavily once our lips detached from each other's. I wished the moment wouldn't have ended so quickly.

"Well that was fun." Michael commented, I nodded in agreement. "We should do that more often."

It became silent in the room for a while, I could tell Michael was thinking about something. I was tempted to ask him about it but I wouldn't want to sound annoying and creepy because it's none if my business.

"Do you maybe want to get some food or something...?" I asked slowly. "Like from down stairs I mean..."

"What? Uh... Yeah sure." He said, it almost sounded like someone fast-forwarded his voice audio.

"Okay..." I replied.

"Let's go." He got up out of the bed with me trailing slightly behind him.

Ashton and Calum sat on the couch with there eyes glazed, watching a movie or tv show. They didn't greet us nor did they remove there eyes to even look at us.

They looked like they where captured by the television. I had no clue what they where watching so I shrugged and walked into the kitchen where Michael was.

"Remind me again why we decided to come downstairs." I mumbled in confusion.

"Because this is where the food is stored." Michael rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Well, no duh." I said sarcastically.

"Correction. 'Yes duh'" He replied sassily.

"That doesn't even make any sense." I sighed.


If I started writing a new Muke book (just me), would you read it? If so what P.O.V would you like it to start in.

I can't really answer this question but I do know that even if you won't read it I will still start writing because this book will not go on forever and I need something to write.


- As the sun went down, we ended up on the ground.

- I heard the train shake the the windows, you screamed over the sound.

[ OMG I'm so sorry this took forever to write and update. Not like you care but I had writers block for the longest time and I just said to myself 'The hell with it, it'll be a short update'. ]

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Thank you so freaking much for reading! P.s thank you for over 50k reads, 2k votes and 600 comments!

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-Al x

Crossed Wires // Muke ClemmingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt