Chapter Fourteen

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Luke's P.O.V

Michael left me up stairs while he went down stairs to investigate what was going on.

I looked around the room at the unfamiliar surroundings, absorbing every inch of the room into my brain.

I wouldn't say it was a clean room, but I wouldn't exactly say it was un-used. The floor was littered with clothing items and little knickknacks of all sorts.

I climbed out of what I assumed was Michael's bed and ventured around the room, until I stopped at his dresser.

I opened each drawer, analyzing every piece of fabric. Once I found Michael's shirt drawer I looked through them for a shirt that would be over-sized for me.

It was a hard find because of my annoyingly broad shoulders, but I came to a conclusion to one of them.

I detached my jeans from my legs and pulled my shirt over my head, as well as strip my socks off so I stood in Michael's room, only in my boxers.

Then I threw on Michael's t-shirt, knowing he wouldn't care anyways.

I face-first, belly flopped on to the bed, closing my eyes for a second before pushing myself farther onto the bed, forgetting about the blanket.

I was struggling to keep my eyes open, I needed a distraction from my tiredness.

Soon enough I gave in for what felt like a minute, but the next thing I know I woke up in someone's arms.

I turned my body so I was facing the opposite body only to realize it was only Michael.

I let out a sigh.

Michael's closure tightened around me before his eyes opened, smiling affectionately at me.

His hand reached out to my face, caressing my cheekbone lightly. I leaned into his touch.

"Do you want to go down stairs to see the boys? They miss you." Michael mumbled softly.

"I don't want to walk!" I whined.

"Well that sucks, I might just have to carry you." Michael smirked at me.

"Mmmm, what time is it?" I said lazily.

Michael reached over to his phone, unlocking it.

"It's 11:38."

"What if the boys aren't down stairs yet?" I ask.

"Then I'll tell them to get there ass down stairs."

I let out a little giggle soon after Michael joined in with me.

I nuzzled my myself closer to Michael, breathing down his neck. Michael rested his head on mine, placing his hands on my butt pulling me on top of him.

I took my head out of his neck, looking him in the eyes and smiled. He smiled back and pushed me off of him.

I pouted at him.

"Come on, babe- penguin. Baby penguin." I looked at Michael weirdly.

"I'm not a baby penguin, Clifford. I'm your baby penguin." I said lowering my voice.


Sorry for the short fluffy chapter. I'm feeling like a softy right now because of this and also I watched The Fault In Our Stars last night, but yeah. Hope you liked it! :)

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-Al x

Crossed Wires // Muke ClemmingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt