From Sunrise To Sunset

Start from the beginning

Crawling out of bed, Perrie's legs were hit with the cool air of her room. She sighed and grabbed one of her backpacks, putting a towel, her journal, wallet and her water bottle. She got dressed in yellow two piece swimsuit and threw a thin oversized black sweater over her shoulders. It came down to her upper thighs but was loosely knitted and breathable enough for the warm yet breezy weather. She sent a text to her Mom that she would be gone to the beach, and headed out.

It wasn't a long drive. Dounia flowed through the speakers of the car as she drove, the dark blue of the early morning sky already easing Perrie's anxieties. In a matter of twenty minutes, she was parking and walking through to the sand.

The beach was quiet. Due to the time of day, there was barely anyone there. There were a few people who were obviously going on routine morning runs through the area and there were a few people swimming pretty far from where Perrie was.

The first thing Perrie did was place her sweater in her bag and kick off her sandals. She stepped into the sand and took a few deep breaths, the familiar smell of the beach and the sound of the birds making her feel at ease. She walked forward, wading through where the waves crashed onto shore, feeling the cold water hit her ankles.

As minutes passed, she let herself wander slightly farther out until she found herself floating on her back, the gentle shocks from the waves letting her relax in the water. She opened her eyes and noticed the sky getting more color as sunrise was approaching. She swam around for a while longer and soon walked back onto shore, her hair dripping and her fingers pruning pale from the water.

She laid out her towel far away enough from the water that she wouldn't have her towel be wet, and she laid watching the sun begin to rise. It was calming to watch the colors develop around her, and the beach become brighter as the sun freed herself from shade.

This lasted for quite a while as Perrie was taking calming breaths and enjoying the scenery, the material of the towel against her back bringing her back to earth as she was out of it. However, she was distracted when she felt a shift in the air. She opened her eyes only to tune in again to the waves crashing in the distance. She sat up on her elbows as she laid in the said, and noticed how bright the sunrise had begun. She felt like the only person in the world. That fantasy was interrupted when she saw that she was not alone. About fifty yards away there was a figure wading in the sand, slowly pacing as they scanned the beach perceptively. Perrie squinted and saw that it was a girl. Perrie observed her for a moment- feeling deja vu. She didn't understand why- until it clicked. This was like her dream.

She wasn't immediately in awe of the situation because it could be an insane coincidence. There's no way that some deity or some force caused her to dream an event that was to occur years later in her life. There was no way that a dream recurred year after year ended up to be on of Perrie experiences. There was no way. However, here Perrie is- she's laying on a beach during sunrise and she's seeing a girl walk in the sand in the same way as her dream. It was happening and there was no denying that it was strange.

Perrie was not trying to stare, she really wasn't. However, she found it difficult to tear her eyes away from the situation she was in. Before she could even comprehend it, the girl was walking toward her. As she approached, more of her features became visible as she wasn't fading into the colors of the sunrise. She had a white bikini top over her tan skin, accompanied by high waisted jean shorts.

After a few moments passed, the girl was without a doubt walking up to Perrie. Perrie proceeded to sit up all the way and smile- feeling embarrassed for staring at her.

The girl walked up and stared down at Perrie, speaking, with a very soft voice,
"Hey- I just moved here. Do you know where the nearest coffee shop or cafe or something is?"

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