Sex on Fire started playing loudly throughout the room, the sun was at its highest point and it was becoming really hot making the paint dry even faster.

This heat was unbearable, even sipping from my cool bottle of water couldn’t cool me down, there was only one option, and it would work to my advantage with Chloe. I wasn't going to let her win.

I turned to see her wiping the sweat away from her forehead and drinking from her bottle of water, letting out a little cough I reached for the ends of the vest, pulling it up and over my head. Wiping my face with the thin cotton material I already felt cooler.

I knew Chloe was checking me out, I could feel her eyes moving up and down my exposed torso, if she was going to prance around in just a bra and tight leggings then I was going to give her a show as well.

"Chloe, have you finished with the roller?" I asked her looking between the paintbrush in her hand and back to her wandering blue eyes.

"Y-yeah." She stuttered out, I walked over to her, standing so close that out bodies were nearly touching. I kept my eyes locked with hers, before reaching for her hand to retrieve the paintbrush. Keeping cool I took the brush gave her a quick smile and turned around walking back to the wall I was currently painting.

Chloe's POV

He is such a tease, walking around without his top on. He knows how much I love his torso and his back. The cheek of him to tease me, he knew how to push my buttons but I knew how to push his as well.

"I'll be back now Harry," I called leaving the room in search for the box with my belongings in.

After what happened with my Mum and Dad, I couldn't be more thankful to Anne and Gemma, who took me in as their own. I've grew closer to Gemma and Anne and it’s amazing to have support from such loving people like them.

And Harry, he's been my rock. He's the most amazing and caring boyfriend I could ever wish for, I love him so much it hurts, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

When Anne and Robin asked me to be a bridesmaid at their wedding next month I quickly denied not being family or anything of the sort, but after Anne insisted and begged I finally agreed.

I fully became involved with Gemma, we picked the bridesmaid dresses, went to all of Anne's fittings, flowers, decorations. The wedding is going to be amazing, and knowing I get to walk down the aisle with Harry on my arm makes this even more special.

I know I'm only eighteen, but I just know that Harry's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I don’t know if he feels the same, I really hope he does, but not saying anything is best at the moment, we are still trying to figure out living arrangements for university together.

Finding the box at the end of the corridor, I pull the tape opening it to find what I was looking for sitting on the top. Taking the items of material, I run into the brand new bathroom and throw the articles of clothing on.

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