61. An Unusual Alliance

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Whoot whoot!

Anodda chapter mah frens..

I'm such a RETARD. As soon as I published the previous chapter, I began writing this one and now I have to restrain myself from posting! Talk about ANNOYING!

(hence the early update - couldn't stop myself)

At this point, everything is flowing out completely.

Writer's block, who?

I love this one so so much tbh coz this is so different from the other books I've read and sksksk- you'll see! I have been planning this moment from the start of Shippudden.

Its gonna be good! Well.. I liked it. Dunno about you guys. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lets go!

Whenever Deidara spitefully says Uchiha, I just remember Harry saying 'Malfoy' and I lose my shit.

Okay, on with the story.


After Akina left the room and went inside hers, chaos ensued. Questions were asked left and right but no one could answer them. 

"This is getting ridiculous! Aren't we all leaving this place? So why are we arguing?" Asuma sighed.

"Well unlike you, Akina is my friend. Did you see how she looked, Asuma? She was on the verge of fainting over! If she doesn't get help from anyone, she will break down." Sakura scoffed.

"You're going to be a traitor to Konoha, Sakura. That's  your home, not this. Come with me. You'll get to see Kakashi, Naruto and even Sasuke on a daily basis." 

She looked down. 

"I'm staying here." Kisame sat down, nursing his broken hand.

"Me as well, un. Akina's a good friend of mine and while she's strong and is kinda insane, she did say she kinda saved my ass. So, I'll choose to believe her."

"What if she's lying?" Asuma countered him.

"Nothing good can come out of her lying to us now." Deidara's voice had taken a serious turn.

"She knows Yamanaka skills. I don't know about you, but I steer clear of rogues who have powers to change memories of their own mind. What if she's manipulating us?"

"You could say the same about Ino that way!" Sakura growled, leaping to Akina's defense.

"I know Ino. She's my student and she'd never do that."

"Asuma, right?" Kisame cut through the voice of others. "You have a grudge against her. You weren't like this before when I first met you."

"When its time to choose between Konoha, my family and the world.. I'd choose my family in a heartbeat. I'm not like my father." Asuma spat out the last word with venom and everyone realized the issue. He couldn't believe that his father didn't stop Danzo. Its because of their decision that the Uchiha clan perished.

He was in denial and blaming it on Akina. He chose the village's safety and decided to let a politician end an entire clan.

He was disgusted.

"Oh, is Asuma having daddy problems?" Deidara wiggled his eyebrows, snickering slightly.

"Don't fucking start with me tranny."

Deidara yawned. "You need to work on your insults."

"Why should I use insults when I can beat your ass in the training field out there?"

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