10. A Meeting with Haku

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Dedicated to all the readers who have been with me since the beginning. Y'all know who you are. Thanks for reading.

Enjoy <3


I woke up stretching my limbs and hummed in satisfaction as I heard my bones crack. Next to me, Sakura was still asleep, tired with all the training going on. 

I got up as I glanced out of the window. I had a feeling today was the day when Naruto would meet Haku. But since the whole situation has changed, I'll go and meet him instead. If I don't see him today, I'll just see him tomorrow instead. I changed my clothes, getting into my ninja gear. 

For the past 4 days, sensei has been making us focus on increasing our speed, flexibility and stamina. It was really needed in our team, especially since we were going against Zabuza and Haku. It made me realize that from one match, Kakashi has observed so much. He was obviously much more smarter than he let on. 

I left a note on Sakura's forehead as I grabbed an apple and made my way outside. Today, I'd train on my fire ninjutsu and wood style. I didn't realize where I was walking and I ended up lost.

I swore as I mentally scolded myself. I should've scouted out the area around Tazuna's home and memorized it. Now how would I get back?

Lost in my thoughts, I walked into a tree.

"Agghhh you stupid tree! How dare you bump into me konoyaro!!" I screamed. My forehead was now throbbing painfully and I'm pretty sure there was a red mark there.

Behind me, I heard someone giggle. I turned around to see a pretty girl.

Haku.. He's a boy though.

I chuckled nervously as I scratched my head. "Sorry you had to see that. It wasn't my finest moment."

Haku smiled. "It's fine. Are you a shinobi?"

Jumping right into the questions are we.. Fine, I'll play your little game.

I nodded. "Yep. I sorta got lost here. Anyways, what are you doing here?"

He held out his basket. "I'm gathering medicinal plants. My brother has been wounded and I need to treat him."

I feigned sympathy. "Hope he gets better. May I help you?"

Haku nodded as he instructed me to collect herbs with specific designs and colors. We worked silently until he asked me something.

"Why are you here, shinobi san? You must excuse my curiosity for I have rarely seen a shinobi around these parts." 

I smiled. "It's fine. We are just protecting a client from Gato and his men."

Haku acted surprised. "Gato?! He is a very powerful man. Be careful shinobi san."

I nodded. "I will. But since you are a stranger, I suppose I can tell you some stuff. You won't go telling anyone ne?"

Haku skillfully recovered from his shock. "Of course you can. I will not tell anyone."

That was surprisingly easy. He must mistake me for a fool.

I sighed. "Well you see, recently my team has battled a man and his apprentice. They were employed by Gato to kill my client. Both teams battled each other, and both faced damage. Now the thing is that when I was in my village, I was was very well known for predictable outcomes such as a person who almost knows what was going to happen. I am correct about 95% of the time."

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