37. Giving Up

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Just imagine Akina with both her eyes as the rinnegan! She doesn't have the sharingan.

First things first, please don't hate on Akina in this chapter! She's pretty annoying and has the whole 'I give up' attitude but you should remember she's been through enough.

She just needs to find herself again, which she will and then its back to pervy jokes!

What did I tell you guys about my update schedule?

I'm telling y'all, its way too early for an update!

Enjoy Reading!!



Akina's POV

I looked towards the horizon where Gaara lay, peacefully on the grass. I heard Naruto shout in anger.

"Come on Gaara! I can't lose you too!"

Chiyo muttered something to Sakura and handed her a scroll. Sakura frowned as she read the cover and gasped loudly, eyes wide.

Sasuke and Kakashi stood coolly by the side, a frown etched into their faces at a person's death.

All three of them had changed and looked like every bit of what was there in the manga. Except, Sasuke wasn't wearing Orochimaru's uniform.

Instead, he was wearing an outfit similar to what Itachi wore when he was in Konoha, except it was blue in color. His hands were in his pockets and he couldn't seemed bothered. The symbol of the Uchiha clan was on his back and he held a sword, by his side.

Sasuke looked out of place, almost uncomfortable.

I realized something was extremely wrong at that instant.

1. Team Gai is not there.

2. Instead of those four were Yamato, Sai, Sasuke and Hinata.

Since Shippudden never really clarified when the Gaara arc began, I wasn't on schedule and missed the whole fight scene.

Hell, I didn't even know how they won or what happened to Deidara and Sasori.

Did Sasuke and Itachi meet each other?

The old, familiar feelings came rushing back to me and I squashed them at once, regaining a cold look.

Chiyo gave her life as the Suna and Konoha shinobi watched closely. 

They were far away, in the grasslands. I was in the trees.

I couldn't explain how or why Hinata's eyes snapped in my direction and she turned back quietly. She slowly walked towards Naruto and put a hand on his shoulders, almost looking as if she was comforting him.

He stiffened and got up to walk towards Sasuke and Kakashi.

By that time, I realized they'd noticed me. The Hyuga's were after all, sensory ninjas and it was completely plausible that Hinata's eyes were scouting for enemies.

I disappeared into the trees immediately.

After a whole hour of traveling, I reached the Amegakure gates, slightly winded.

Walking inside, I noticed the paper bird almost immediately. Understanding, I followed it.

I reached the top of the largest building in Amegakure and walked in to see Yahiko and Konan.


"Where were you?" Pain asked.

I shrugged. "Out to see the world and what's become of it." 

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