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Enjoy reading my lovelies! <3


I woke up with a jolt. I heard some noise from downstairs as I looked at the clock and froze. All this training, only to be put to waste as I overslept?!!

Hurrying downstairs I saw Inari and Tsunami being held hostage by a couple of men. 

Idiots I scowled.

Taking out two kunais I threw them with accuracy. It hit their foreheads as they fell down dead. They didn't even get time to take out their weapons.

How useless 

Inari and Tsunami came rushing up to me, thanking me numerous times.

"Naruto was right! You really are brave. Now I'm going to be brave too and gather all the villagers to kick Gato's ass." Inari exclaimed.

I smiled. Talk no jutsu was one thing I could never learn. He must've talked to him yesterday.

"Then hurry up, Inari and avenge your dad. I'll be going now." I jumped through the trees, increasing my speed gradually. 

I reached the battle field. It was going exactly like it was in the manga except Sasuke and Naruto didn't look injured much. Sakura had a fierce expression on her face, daring anyone to come closer to them.

Sasuke had his sharingan activated and I stilled. 

Haku and Zabuza.. How will I save them?

I dived into the water. No one noticed me, too busy in the battles going on around them. I swam till I was underneath the bridge as I merged with it's wood. Using my chakra, I heightened my senses. As Sasuke and Naruto got ready for another round of attacks with senbon, I made a wooden sphere around them as I materialized inside right in front of them.

"You are late." Sasuke said but I could tell he was relieved that I was here.

"Akina chan! Help us fight him." Naruto's eyes were glazing with determination.

"Sasuke, you have your sharingan. Track his movements. Naruto, keep on using your kage bunshins. I believe you both. I'll be helping you, so don't panic." 

The makeshift wooden dome around us converted into ice and with a kick it shattered into pieces. Haku went back inside his mirror. He began talking.

"Akina san. You are finally here. You missed my childhood story but I presume you know that already. I was wondering what you meant by what you said earlier. Zabuza san knows your parents."

I stilled as Naruto and Sasuke shot me questioning glances.

"Why don't you tell me once you stop working with Gato? Join us." I pleaded with him.

"I am a mere tool. Whatever Zabuza says, I will do."

"Yeah well Zabuza will die and so will you if you don't listen to me you idiot!" I snapped. My original plan had gone into shambles and now I was angry. 

It's true that being a shinobi the battle doesn't go according to your plans and you have to adapt yourself to the situation but what's the point in knowing what's gonna happen next then??

Haku ignored me as he sent another round of senbon at us. Due to the intense training I was able to protect myself from them hitting my vital points. 

"Kage bunshin no jutsu!" Naruto shouted as various clones popped up.

Sasuke's sharingan was gleaming as he eyed the movements of Haku. He let out a small smirk. He had found out the pattern.

Saisei (再生) - Naruto Reborn FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now