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I wrote down all the letters of the English alphabet on a scroll. I often forgot the pronunciation and had Yume to help me out at times. 

"So this is Q?"


"It.. looks so weird."

So did Japanese when our tutors taught us. At least it has only 26 alphabets. Kanji is much worse. 

"Agreed. This is a nice way to communicate with others - an unknown language no one can decipher."

Practice speaking in English too.

"Fine Yume. How is this for speaking a language foreignly?"

Its a 'foreign language'.

"Ah. I see. And who do we teach this too?"

A person inside Konoha and a person outside as well..

"Why outside?"

Just in case..

"You just want to talk to Itachi don't you? God it feels weird without using honorifics.."

Hehe. I've been exposed. You're good at this.

"Otou san didn't train me mentally for nothing. Fuck I mean dad?"

Ahh.. Those mental training regimes were torturous.

"Akina chan?" 

I looked at Naruto staring at me confused.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Myself." I'm proud to say I answered with a straight face.


"To give myself advice from an expert."


"Um.. okay? Anyways here's a letter for you." Naruto handed me a letter and went out of my room.

When the three of us were staying in one house I made a couple of rules to maintain privacy and distance. The first rule was that no one was allowed to meddle in each other's rooms and that included letters of the sort.

I tore open the letter.

First Assignment today at 2 am. 

Using a fire jutsu I watched the letter burn.

Ever since I agreed to Danzo's offer, he'd been training Sasuke and I personally. Our schedules would overlap sometimes but we rarely saw each other except during normal team missions.

A month had passed. Tsunade was now the Godaime Hokage.

I avoided her like the plague except when we received mission details. 

Danzo made Sasuke and I train from 12 to 6 on alternate days. Since Kakashi met us daily at 9, we would have 3 hours of sleep before having training again.

Looks like Danzo thinks we are capable of missions.

No one knew anything about our little ordeal but I could see Kakashi shoot glances at me when I performed less than he expected because I was tired or something was on my mind.

It was a good thing shinobi make up was available. They are more everlasting and better than the normal ones, often used on missions. It covered my dark circles and bruises.

Saisei (再生) - Naruto Reborn FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon