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We make our way towards his friends and he introduces me to Ben and then Claudia.

Ben is a nice looking guy and has a charming personality with his brown hair, black eyes, and a charming smile. His glasses sit on top of his nose which he pushes further up with his index finger as he looks at me. 

While Claudia, his girlfriend, is a good looking girl with straight blond hair and blue eyes and freckles covering her whole face. 

A real-life Barbie, I see.

"And this is Am-" Kyle continues but the redhead interrupts him in between.

"I can introduce myself." She waves a dismissive hand in the air and looks at me.

"I'm Amelia." She chirps with a warm smile and extends her hand to shake mine.

Even though I'm straight, I still subtly check her out. She has fiery red hair and blue eyes and curves to die for.

She's gorgeous.

Chuck Barbie, this girl is the real deal.

"Well my girlfriend Lily left early but we can introduce her to you later." Kyle speaks just as a few boys walk by and whistles, one of them even passes a suggestive comment about my ass which makes Ben glares at them while Kyle growls, " knock it off dude."

"I can't believe this is your first day and you have the whole of the basketball team after you already. They're all placing bets on who will sleep with you first, heard them talking about you in my English class," Amelia states, shaking her head in a disapproving manner.

I gasp. "You're kidding me!"

I don't want any attention on me. I hate attention.

She chuckles. "Nope, not kidding. You're fresh meat, and you're hot. The cheerleaders will probably approach you by tomorrow to join the squad," she replies, turning up her nose distastefully.

"I don't want to be a cheerleader." I groan as I shake my head at the thought.

Been there, done that, and look where it took me, all the way to California.

"Great, then we can be friends!" She grins and links her arm through mine.

What? Was that some kind of test?

I can't help but feel overwhelmed by everything. I didn't have any friends for almost four years and now I feel like I don't know how to socialize anymore.

I am so dumbfounded that I can't think of a single thing to say. She looks at me for a few seconds and when I don't reply, she asks, "It's okay if you don't wanna hang out with us."

"No-no, it's not like I have any friends here." I look down and curse myself for being so awkward.

"When is the mechanic coming to fix Avery's car, Kyle?" Ben asks, thankfully changing the subject from our awkward encounter, and my heart jolts. I look at him with wide eyes, just as Claudia and Amelia bark out a laugh.

Holy shit.

The dude has a deep voice and when I say I mean the magma chamber of a volcano deep.

The kind of voice which would turn heads in a room.

"Wow, this sure doesn't sound like a teenager's voice. You scared me for a moment." I laugh a little and take a look at Ben again to check if I didn't offend him, but he's chuckling too. 

They seem cool.

"He'll be here in ten minutes. But it will take fifteen to twenty minutes for him to change the tires." Kyle replies and sends an apologetic smile towards me.

All I've Never ImaginedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang