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One hundred and thirty-eight, one hundred and thirty-nine, one hundred and forty

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One hundred and thirty-eight, one hundred and thirty-nine, one hundred and forty.

I stare at the ceiling above me and finish counting the tiles, waiting for my mom to finish getting ready so we can attend the dinner at The James. 

I am so nervous, I don't know why. It's just a simple dinner. I end up wearing a cute red short frock with a denim jacket over it. 

Mom kept going on and on about table manners all day, but I was distracted because I had other things on my mind.

I am on a mission.

The mission of settling everything between Roman and me. 

We haven't talked or smiled or even looked at each other since I had that catfight with Kristen in the cafeteria. Well, I did look towards him when he doesn't notice, but I've learned the art of being discreet. Guess he's still not over my interrogation but I couldn't care less. 

I know I was wrong and I'm not afraid to apologize and I can’t find a better time to apologize to him.

"Avery let's go!" Mom calls from downstairs and I take a deep breath. 

It's just dinner, Avery. 


Nearing Roman’s house, my eyes widen as I look incredulously at the sight before me.

I try hard not to let my jaw drop as this isn’t a house, it’s a freaking estate!

I knew they were rich, but I guess I underestimated them. This is some other level shit. 

Strangely, I start feeling out of place when I see the beautiful, ornate steel gates.

Looking around in awe at the well-kept garden that surrounded the place, I get the sudden urge to take off my shoes and walk with them in my hands, so that I won't mess up anything.

"Close your mouth, Avery." My mom mutters from my side, as a light blush creeps across her cheeks. 

Guess, I wasn't as subtle with my gawking, which is embarrassing my mother. 

"I'll try not to salivate when I see the inside, mom. Or you can just tuck a handkerchief at my neck, so my drool won't mess my dress." I try being funny to keep my nerves at bay.

Mom lets out a light chuckle but still asks me to behave. 

The doors open as soon as mom presses the doorbell and a beautiful woman greets us. She hugs my mom first and then introduces herself to me as Bella James. 

I extend my hand towards her, but instead, she hugs me. 

"It's so good to finally meet you, dear. Your mom talks a lot about you," She mumbles in my hair. Pulling away, she holds me at arm's length and beams at me, "And the cake was so delicious. Thank you for helping my son with the cake." 

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