"Recently had them made. Gaius let Gwen borrow some of your clothing to get the dimensions."

"Oh. Thank you, I guess?"

"Absolutely right. That's your armor from now on— Make sure you wear it on hunting trips, so you don't get yourself killed."

"Why do you think I'd get killed?"

"Because you're a clumsy oaf that I have to save all the time."

"Oh, really?" Merlin snorted. "Should I call you my Prince Charming then?" He laughed, brushing his fingers over the shining links of the chainmail.

"What about knight in shining armor? After all, I look amazing in my full armor," Arthur did a little spin, despite only being in his chainmail. Merlin laughed, grabbing his own chainmail and armguards, starting to turn towards the door.

"Hang on, where are you going?" Arthur was suddenly behind him, with a hand on his shoulder.

"Uh, going to find a gambeson? You didn't give me one," Merlin said, turning back to face Arthur.

"Oh, forget about that. I had the tailor make one as well, and don't bother to change up in your tower. Just go back there." Arthur tilted his head in the direction of where he usually changed, walking back to his dresser. He opened it once more and pulled out a rich red gambeson, holding it out for Merlin to look at. The quilted, padded layer seemed like it would fit Merlin well, he just had to put it on to see.

He walked over and took it, starting towards the divider. "How'd I not notice that some of my clothes were missing for like, a week?"

"It was only really a day, actually. Gwen took the measurements, then gave the clothes right back. I told her to give the measurements to the tailor, so he could make the gambeson," Arthur explained, as Merlin vanished behind the decorated wooden screen.

He came out a couple moments later, wearing the gambeson with the chainmail over it, and the armguards over the chainmail. "Everything fits surprisingly well. Who was the tailor?"

"Jason, the court's tailor. He makes all of the stuff for the knights, nobles, and royals," Arthur said with a shrug.

"Jason? What? You shouldn't have wasted so much on this. You could have told me, and I'd have found some cheaper tailor in the lower town or something."

"Then it'd be uncomfortable. Jason and Gwen pretty much make everything for the knights. Morgana's been pretty helpful, eager to learn about metalworking, even if she really just enjoys making and getting free jewelry, since that's what they usually make."

"I still probably could have found someone cheaper!"

"Calm down. Are you forgetting I'm a king? It wasn't anything at all!" Arthur laughed, punching Merlin lightly in the shoulder. Merlin soon joined in with the laughter, leaning closer to Arthur slightly. He truly was happy, glad that he was willing to do this all for him.

"Well, now that you're done reprimanding me for something that didn't need reprimanding, shall we head down to the training area?" Arthur extended his hand to Merlin, much like he was asking for a dance.

"Stop that, Arthur!" Merlin continued to laugh, swatting his hand away, just like he had done earlier.

"All right all right. Still, get going."


The sounds of swords clanging against each other rang around the area, along with the deep laughter of knights, making fun of each other. The weather was quite nice, actually, if a little bit warmer than they wanted it to be.

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