Opening-Act 1, Scene 1

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"かつて私のものだった瞬間を追体験する時間を止める方法" she recited passionately, yet totally wrong. Blinking, she scrunched up her nose and frowned. The words felt stiff and heavy on her tongue. The phrase didn't have the fluidity or emotional impact it should've. Eliza was at a loss of what to do; her audition was tomorrow and she didn't even speak a single character of Japanese. She was white damnit! She even felt ashamed as she continuously butchered the poor language.

On the other hand, she couldn't afford to lose this chance! She needed to be casted as this role. She needed to get this role in this play! Since graduating and earning her degree in the dramatic arts Eliza was subjected to the worst luck in human history. She'd never get significant roles although she knew she deserved it-and that wasn't her ego speaking. She genuinely did! Many of the roles would go to underserving actors with powerful connections...that annoyed her.

     "Bleh! I don't know how to speak any Japanese at all!" Eliza cried as she whipped out her phone and began to type frantically. "God help me! Google translate...!"

Yea, she was that desperate.

She placed a hand to her forehead in a mock-faint and sighed dramatically. " お前はもう死んでいる!" She giggled softly. "The only Japanese I know...omae wa no shinde iru."

She burst into a fit of giggles.

     "That sounded awfully cheesy didn't it Patch?" She turned to face her black shorthair cat with a white spot by his blue eye. "Aha...ha..." the cat merely glanced at her with a dry expression.

Her shoulders slumped slightly as tears prickled her eyes. She wiped her tears on her sleeve and stifled a sob, "Please god...I need this...!" She prayed, "I need this role...if I lose this one too I...d-don't know what I'll do with myself..."

She wasn't sure if she could handle another failure. Eliza wouldn't be able to look her mother in the eyes. She could practically hear her mother's chastising voice:

"I told you!" Her mother would say, "be a doctor! A lawyer! A scientist! And what do you pick?! A musician!! Then what?! Oh big surprise that didn't work! Now what?! Theatre?! Go back to school and try get another thing you'll fail? No! I won't allow it! You've drained me of enough money!"

"Is not, then at least marry a doctor! Lawyer or someone with a real job to support your childish fantasies!"

She needed this role. Eliza had to prove her mother otherwise.

She would.

She had to.

"Dear me...just this once," she prayed slumping against a wall and sinking to the ground, "and if not send me someone...anyone...who'll understand, listen, and actually care!"

Someone who'd support her.

She recently lost her first boyfriend and gained her first official 'ex' last week. Apparently she was too loud and outspoken...

A soft mewing alerted her of reality and pulled her from her mental pit do despair. Patch crawled towards her and placed a soft paw onto her lap.

"Are you telling me something supportive?" Eliza pondered feeling a strong sensation of warmth in her chest. Patch cared didn't he?

He walked away towards a bag and mewed even louder. Eliza's face fell slightly. She facepalmed. Of course, Patch couldn't tell could he? Perhaps do but he certainly wouldn't care about parental problems. He was hungry.

"Alright, alright..." Eliza sighed as she forced herself up, "I'm coming...dinner's on its way."

She should've gotten a dog.

Dramatic|Madara Uchiha|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz