Chapter 60: Harumi's gratitude

Start from the beginning

Here I am trapped in Borg's tower, where I had so foolishly called my home. Where I had remained all this time, in the dark and took so little action alongside my comrades—no, I lie, my friends. If I started all the way back to the start, I'd have to mention that....there was a time when Lloyd, the green ninja came down here, unwillingly. Lord Garmadon's subordinates have captured him and I couldn't help but stand there in absolute arrogance, another lesson for the one who caused me pain so long ago, I couldn't say no to that. But no, because of him and the love I felt when we first understood eachother, I'm here,
I celebrated Garmadon's creation being destroyed in the palm of our hands, now I ended up in chains of because of my joy. Because I changed sides.

Garmadon came back to me with a proposal. That I shall be his daughter once more, but I cannot forget about Lloyd, the one I hated for so long, the one I loved without even realizing. All I can say is that I'm torn, really."
"This is pulling on my heartstrings." Harumi lashed out and threw the pen aside, it landed back in the centre of the page. However, there were squints of ink bubbling up within the pages. Quickly, the page here she had finished writing on was stained with ink everywhere. The white haired girl groaned and laid back down on the bed, putting the journal aside. "It's no use, why does he seem like he doesn't care? I mean frankly, I'm not even his real daughter!" She pointed out quite the fact. Why was Garmadon interested in her, let alone his own son? He killed his son just to have her? Harumi wasn't having it.

Staring up at the ceiling of the room, her eyes became watery in no second.
"This is so confusing, then all the blame gets put on me if I choose the wrong choice. I'm gonna be told off for sure by those superior wannabes for disobeying their precious emperor—that they secretly want him out of power, hah, such arrogant fools. But again...if I choose to be his subordinate once more, I'm gonna betray Lloyd....and I....don't want that, never in a million years." She sighed and reflected upon the life decisions she has at hand. Grabbing back the journal, she put to the side of her head, she opened the pages back to beginning. Her mood could have soured due to cringe at seeing those drawings drawn by a little girl.

Though, she stumbled upon the old family picture she keeps everywhere. She placed a hand on the picture and frowned sadly. The last picture she had with her parents, that she didn't know were gonna pass on so soon. Harumi hugged the journal and sobbed even more. "If only you were here, mama, papa, what do I do?" She asked quietly. That's right, even though she seemed so independent in the first place, she was just a small child, unadvised and lost. "I gotta stand up for myself, I know, that's what you've been telling me. But if you were in my place, you''d understand that things aren't always so easy in life!" Her words pierced through the currents of air in the room at the moment. It was useless to ramble like this. But Harumi needed reassurance, that someone, maybe something, was waiting for her beyond.

After several minutes of silence and absolutely no response from the ghosts above, she went back to looking through the pages. But that's when she realized, by checking the dates one by one and reaching to the newest—stained entry, "It's thanksgiving, huh?" She chuckled at the fact that she forgot about what's so particular about today. She's been so caught up in wars and mayhem, she had no time to keep track of specific holidays. "For thanksgiving, I need to be grateful, huh? Well, that'll be no problem.." she lies. It will be quite the challenge. Harumi brushed a strand of hair away from her face and her tears seem to dry off.

"Well for one, I'm thankful to have met Lloyd and met all of his friends. I felt like I was in a family again!" She recited, with an annoyed look slightly. When saying the things they are grateful of, most people would seem sincere and have smiles upon their faces. But Harumi couldn't find the courage to smile in her situation. She was trapped, miserable, homesick and scared. Even though today as a holiday, a special day to say the least, she still couldn't smile.
"I was loved and I finally reconciled with the emperor and empress, but no, everything just had to be ruined!" Impulsiveness was promptly building up in her. She didn't stomp back down to the ground, just stayed in bed with closed fists.

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